Nothing is as it seems!

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Yi-Jung P.O.V

I followed Woo-Bin into the F4 hangout sitting down my suitcases. We had just returned from Venice. I sat with a sigh thinking of everything that had happened there. I had felt so much anger at how Jun-Pyo treated Jan-Di. Speaking of Jan-Di she an Ji-Hoo was still there and would return on another flight.

"I can't believe everything."

I looked up. "I know man something doesn't seem right."

I leaned back against the couch with my eyes closed. It had been months since we had seen Jun-Pyo and months since we had seen Kenzie.. Speaking of Kenzie we haven't heard from her in a month. Usually she would text us and call once in a while but it has been silent on her end. I looked over to Woo-Bin.

"Anything on Kenzie?"

He looked up with a sigh." No nothing..." He reached out turning the TV on. "Its like she disappeared... If it wasn't for Jan-Di having talked with her I would have gone to find her myself. But then again..."

"Shut up!" I shushed him as I saw a familiar face on the TV. "Look!"

We looked at the TV I quickly turned it up as it showed a dressed up Kenzie standing in front of hundred cameras. But she wasn't alone there a man at her side his hand on her waist.

"The big news everyone has been waiting for. Ksenia Wolfe heiress of the trillion trio is engaged to Xang Zui."

"What?" I look at Woo-Bin seeing his face. He was not happy at all.

"Miss Wolfe? How did you come to meet Xang Zui."

Kenzie smiled up at the man who kissed her forehead. "It was by chance. He helped me out and then it went from there."

Another woman raised her microphone. "Miss.Wolfe there are pictures of you with Shinwha's heir Gu Jun-Pyo is there anything between you two."

You could see Kenzie frowning. "No we are just friends. I went to Shinwha high school."

"The home of the famous F4? If you were friends with him were you friends with the others."

She gave a soft smile. "Yes the guys are very important to me, they are like brothers."

Another reporter came forward. "Any idea of when the wedding will be."

Xang Zui leaned against Kenzie wih a smile. " Whatever she wants it fine with me. But as of now we want to focus on her career as a business woman." Before anything else could be said Woo-Bin grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I could see how upset he was..


He got up grabbing a pool cue. "Well we now know why she wasn't talking to us."

I saw the tense muscles in his back knowing that meant he was very mad. I got up. "Woo-Bin. It may not even be true."

Things were silent a moment before Woo-Bin growled before breaking the pool cue in two tossing it to the side. He turned and I almost flinched at the dark look in his eyes.


"I need a drink." He stormed out of the hangout. My phone ringing got my attention. I answered it.


"Did you see Kenzie on the news?" It was Ji-Hoo.

"We did.?"


"Not happy. He broke a pool cue and said he needed a drink.... He had a dark look in his eyes."

F4's Little Wolf (Boys over Flowers)Where stories live. Discover now