Wake up !!!!

641 16 3

Kensie p.o.v

I looked around at the people with my fist clinched. So much time had passed while I was in the hospital. By time I got out we had received the invitation held by jun-pyo and the idiot woman who is taking advantage of his memory loss. I was forbidden to go near hear by woo-bin. He understood if I went near her I'd be in big trouble because I'd likely end up killing her.

'Are you having fun? are you woo-bin's fiancé?", well speak of the devil.

I turned to see the girl I was forbidden to go around. Yes just my luck she would come find me. "On so your the bitch who thinks it is okay with taken advantage of my brother and sister
You make me sick. The only reason you are still alive right now is because I've been forbidden to hurt you. "

She looked at me with fear. "How dare you threaten me?"

I moved closer pushing her against the wall." how dare you think you can force your way into our lives."

"Get away from her!"

"Kenzie is everything okay?''

I looked up and saw jun-pyo and woo. Bin. The stupid woman Yumi turned to jun-pyo with a whine. "She said she was gonna hurt me!'

Jun-pyo looked at me before looking toward Woo-Bin. "Control this woman! I don't know why you invited someone like her."

Woo-bin glared at Jun-Pyo. "Watch how you talk to her jun-pyo she is my fiancé and the love of my life".

Jun-pyo laughed." you? Engaged yeah right. You can't be with just one woman."

With a growl I moved forward and punched jur-pyo as hard as I could." Fuck you Curly!"

He stood frozen a moment before looking up at me "ksenia?"

I froze looking at him." jun-pyo you remember me?'

"Of course I wouldn't forget my little sister."

"Do you remember anything else?'

Before he could say anything Yumi took his hand. "Come on oppa we have to go make our announcement." with that she took off pulling him behind her.

I looked at my fiancé. "It seems like he is starting to remember."

Woo-bin smiled, "It seems like he is we just need to wait an see what happens"

By time we made it to the main group we heard the crazy woman talking about them going to the US. What the hell. They are going to the US no way in Nell I was letting this witch take my brother away from us. As jun-pyo walked off I moved cormering Yumi. She looked at me in fear I crossed my arms. "You know I feel sorry for you. You can't find someone to care about you for as black as your heart is. Because if my brothers memorys was intact then I know he would have nothing to do with you"

She glared. "He loves me. "

I laughed. "Keep telling yourself that.just know karma is a bitch an she does get you back so be prepared for what is in store."

She more closer. "Threaten all you want he is mine and I am taking him far away to make sure none of you never.... "

I cut her off with a loud slap crossed the face."again remember she is coming fur you" A loud splash caught my attention. Everyone ran toward the pool where I saw my brother staining at the water. I followed his line of sight an gasped there my sister was at the bottom of the pool.
I removed my shoes about to jump in when arms grabbed me. I saw Woo-Bin and Ji-hoo both holding my arms.

"Let me go I have to save my sister."

Ji-hoo shook his head." wait she wouldn't do this without a reason."

I gritted my teeth as I noticed the look on Jan. Pyo's face. He looked distant as if remembering I was this my sisters plan? Force him to remember. Please! Please let this work. That is when I noticed Yumi looking stressed I moved closer to her shrugging off yi-jung's hands. "I told you it would come back and bite you "


I turned in time to see Jun-Pyojumping into the pool.I held my breathe till ne surfaced with my sister. I noticed she wasn't breathing. " come on jan-di!" I finally relaxed when Jun-Pyo was able to get her breathing again.

"Are you alright?'

Jan-di looked up. "Do you remember now?'

" Geum Jan-Di you scare me like that one more time and you're dead."

Jan-di smiled " you remember."

Jun-pyo looked guilty, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry i

"Say it again! My name."

Jun-pyo palled her into his arms "Jan-di"

When I notice Yumi about to walk off I reached out grabbed her by the hair causing her to cry out drawing everyone's attention."why you trying to leave in a hurry? I told you, you will have to pay for your actions.so please stick around."

"Kenzie! "I turned to jun-pyo who was now standing there his arm around jan-di's shoulder and looking at Yumi with a mixture of pity and anger.


"Shut up!" he glared down at Yumi. " How dare you? Do you have any idea of what you were taking from me with your selfishness?'

"But oppa I care about you. We are made for each other ""

Jun-pyo 's eyes hardened. "I in a million years would never want to be with someone like you. You have no idea what you were taking from me ! I've been through so much in order to be with jan-di... we've been through so much! In trying to fool me you not only hurt me but her as well. " moving closer he growled. "An hurting her is something no one can do. But I will give you a chance get the hell away from me and if I ever see you again then I won't be responsable for what happens."

"No need!" we turned to see Alex and jun-hee walk up followed by a couple of police officers " Yumi you are under arrest,"

I let her go as the officer takes her and leads her away.we turned to mybrother and jun-hee in confusion, "what's going on? Is she really going to jail?"

Jun-hee smiled, "don't worry she will be out by Monday."


"You see the original plan was to lock her up till jun-pyo got his memory back but i-see jan-di was able to do that 1 so now she'll just stay the weekend to teach her a lesson."

Jun-pyo looked up. "Thank you. But if you excuse me I'm taking jan-di so we can both get dried off ."with that he lead her off.

Alex turned to look at me before turning to the others, "how about you guys gether out of here she's a little green an all this crap isn't good for the baby."

With that yi-jung, woo-bin and ji-hoo lead me out of the party "


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