My Heroes!

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Ksenia P.O.V

 I was making my way to the training room wanting to get some practice done before the guys arrived. I flexed my wrist thankful I was cleared to use it.

As I entered the training room something felt off . I couldn't shake the felling of being watched. Maybe I'll wait for the guys. As I went to leave something on the mirror caught my attention. I moved closer to see

I felt my throat closed.  There on the mirror in big letters was written 'WHORE'. Underneath were pictures. Pictures of me in here training. One of Yi-Jung and Hi-Hoo hugging me. One of Jun-Pyo when he took e to the nurse. There were many of me and Woo-Bin the last one was from my first match with Woo-Bin. He was shirtless and I sat on his stomach. Who took these!

Under the pictures there was  a letter.

'Once a whore always a whore, so treat her like one.... Have fun

~Gu Jun-Pyo~

 I felt my heart drop. Jun-Pyo did this? Was I just a means to get to Jan-Di?

"Look what we have here!" I looked up seeing 5 guys behind me. Before I could react one grabbed my hair before slamming my head into the mirror.

Pain exploded in my head. I was thrown to the floor. My head was spinning, I knew I had to get up and fight, but I couldn't move.

The main guy smiled at me. "Told you I'd get you back."

I gave a mental scream. "Help!" The last thing remembered before passing out was big guys fist going for my face. I'm gonna die!

Woo-Bin P.O.V

Yi-Jung and I got up telling the guys we'll see them later.

Jun-Pyo smirked. " I want to see these sparing matches."

I laughed. "If she's okay with it we'll have one tomorrow."

We left heading to the training room. Half-way there I stopped my chest hurting.

"Woo-Bin you okay?"

"I just have a bad feeling." We quickened our pass to the training room.

"What the hell." The window on the door had been covered so we couldn't see inside.

Yi-Jung tried the handle. "It's locked."

Something told me I needed to get the door opened! Now! "Move!" Yi-Jung backed up and I stood in front of the door. With a deep breath I lifted my leg and kicked the door as hard as I could. Thank goodness it worked.

But what I saw as we entered made me see red. Kenzie was passed out on the floor hands bound above her head, there was blood coming from a gash on her head, an her shirt had been ripped an her pants were undone. Four guys were holding her down as the fifth had a knife to her clothing.

Hell! No! I surged forward with a snarl into the room kicking the guy with the knife away before turning and grabbing another and punching him in the face. I could see Yi-Jung beside me delivering a hard blow to anothers stomach before punching them in the face. I hauled another guy away from Kenzie picking him up by the throat before throwing him into the mirror. Turning back I grabbed the guy with the knife ripping the knife from his hands before holding it to his throat.

"What gives you the right to attack a woman."

He growled. "She deserved it."

I shoved him against a punching bag. "What?"

"The whore was asking for it." I growled before thrusting the knife into the bag beside his head.

"Get out! Don't let me see any of you in this school again!" As I threw him toward the door he and his buddies took off. 

I looked over to see Yi-Jung was already at Kenzie's side checking the wound o her head.

"Looks like they slammed her head against the mirror. I don't see any glass but she'll need to see a doctor." He got up to go grab her bag.

I took off my jacket covering her. "How could they...."

"Woo-Bin!" I looked up to see Yi-Jung at the mirror. I saw 'whore' written on the mirror with pictures around t.

"Not possible!" I watched Yi-Jung rip a paper from the mirror.

"What is it?"

Yi-Jung held out the paper for me to read. "Jun-Pyo? He wouldn't do something like this!"

"I know but this is his signature."

"Grab everything we need to get her to the lounge."

As Yi-Jung pulled the pictures down I took the knife and cut the ropes on her wrists folding her arms under the jacket. With a swallow I reached for her pants.

"What are you doing?"

"Buttoning them." I buttoned her pants before securing the jacket around her again. Being as gentle as I could I picked her up bridal style letting her head rest against my shoulder.

"Yi-Jung go first, make sure the way is clear so no one sees her."

He nodded before leading the way. I held her closer my chest still feeling tight. Who would do this? Jun-Pyo signature was on the paper but he wouldn't do this... Would he? No I've known him for year he would never hurt someone like this.

"Wait." Yi-Jung stopped me. " There's a group near the stairs."

"We need to get by."

Yi-Jung stood straightening his clothes. "Wait for my signal." He went into the hall. I could hear the girls


I peeked around the corner an saw the group follow Yi-Jung. When they were far enough he nodded toward me. I hugged Kenzie closer before hurrying passed and down to the lounge.

As I walked in Jun-Pyo and Ji-Hoo shot up when they saw me, or more specifically who was in my arms.

"What happened?" I moved over and laid Kenzie on the couch, Ji-Hoo hurrying for a wash cloth, before grabbing Jun-Pyo by the shirt pushing him against the wall.

"Did you do this?"

He looked stunned. "What?"

"Did you give the order for someone to try and rape her."

"No I would never."

Yi-Jung walked in and sat the papers and pictures on the table. "This said you did."

I let him go to grab the first aid kit as he picked up the paper. "I didn't write this."

I handed Ji-Hoo another clean cloth so he could finish cleaning her wound. "Well someone issued the order in your name. We were lucky we got there when we did."

After Ji-Hoo cleaned the found I applied antibiotic before adding a bandage. "That should work till we can get her to a hospital."

Jan-Pyo had fallen on his knees beside me looking at Kenzie. "When I find out who done this I'll kill them." I watched as he took a clean cloth and pushing her hair back cleaning the cut on her cheek."No one hurts my friends." I could see the fury and worry in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I accused you."

"Don't be. She's hurt and the evidence pointed to me. I would have done the same."

We heard a moan and Ji-Hoo gently touched her cheek. "She waking up."


This was a weird chapter to write. I've never been good with violence but hopefully you like it. 

We see that F4 all care about her. But what will happen when she wakes up and see Jun-Pyo... someone who she believed betrayed her......

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