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Ji-Hoo P.O.V

We were in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out. Yi-Jung stood by the window looking out as Jun-Pyo and Woo-Bin paced. I sat arms crossed my mind wondering to the girl in the back.

I still couldn't believe someone did this to her, Or more someone planned it to the point of even forging Jun-Pyo's signature making her think her friends betrayed her. I'm just thankful Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung got there in time. In one week Kenzie and Jan-Di seemed to turn F4's world upside down. I knew one thing both girls were special.

A phone ringing caught our attention. We looked at Kenzie's bag.

"Should we answer it?"

Jun-Pyo grabbed her phone. "It says Beck. Isn't that the man who drives her to school?"

Yi-Jung sat beside me. "Answer it let them know were she is."

Beck P.O.V

 I looked at my watch again before tapping on the steering wheel.

"Come on Kenzie!" I've sat here for almost an hour. Where was she? I noticed Jan-Di coming out of the school. Maybe she knew. I got out. "Jan Di!"

She looked up. "Beck?"

"Have you seen Kenzie?

"Not since lunch."

"Where is she?" I pulled out my phone contemplating trying to call again. 

"The last time I saw her F4 were leading her out of the cafeteria."

"F4? Those idiots who messed with ya'll?"

"Not anymore.... But."

"But what?" I had a bad feeling in my gut.

"I swear I saw a bandage on her head before they left."

That's it, looking down at my phone I dialed her number again hoping she'd answer this time. As Jan-Di moved closer looking worried I put the phone on speaker. I knew how much Kenzie and Jan-Di meant to each other so I knew she was worried as well.

"Come on Kenz! Answer the phone!"

It rang 6 times before it was answered I was so releaved. "Kenzie! Where are you?" There was silence. "Hello?"

"Is this Beck?"

I looked at Jan-Di in surprise at the guys voice on the phone. "Who's this."

As Jan-Di whispered "Jun-Pyo" the guy answered.

"Gu Jun-Pyo. We're at the hospital with Kenzie."

My insides dropped as Jan-Di gasped. "It she okay?"

"We're waiting for the doctor. Just get to the hospital."

"On the way!" I hung up the phone running to the car.

"Can I go?"

I nodded to Jan-Di letting her into the car before speeding off.

Ji-Hoo P.O.V

 Jun-Pyo just hung up the phone when the doctor came out. "Ksenia!"

We stood as Jun-Pyo moved forward. "Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine. She does have a slight concussion but she'll be fine in a day or two."

Woo-Bin sighed. "Can get see her?"

"Yes." He lead us to her room. "She's inside."


We walked in to see Kenzie sitting on the side of the bed her legs pulled up to chest.

F4's Little Wolf (Boys over Flowers)Where stories live. Discover now