Final boss

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Kenzie POV '

I was so scared about today Alex said dad would be there in a couple of hours.  Woo-bin had gone home for a little bit to shower and bring me a few things I needed. Leaning against my pillows I placed my hands over my still is unreal that I was pregnant. Me and woo-bin was having a baby. The more I thought about it the more frightened and excited I was . Thinking about it I wondered about what they would look like,would they look more like me or more like woo-bin.

I looked up as the door opened. "Alex!" I smiled at the sight of my brother.

"Where is the cowardly Lion? "

I smirked my hands resting on my stomach. "He went home to wash up and get me a few thing s before dad gets here?"

Alex laughed. "Is he really that worried?"

"He is down right terrified I think grandfather is giving him a little advice to help him out."

Alex sat at the edge of my bed his hand on my stomach. "How is my little niece or nephew
I hope they are being have an letting you rest."

"They are doing fine an yes I'm okay as well."

A knock on the door had us looking up. I smiled seeing Beck and Mitchell. "Beck,Mitchell"

They walked over both engulfing me in a fierce hug. Beck leaned back kissing my forehead. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there when you guys were attacked."

I smiled up at him holding his hand. "It's okay Beck remembered everyone made me stronger so I was able to face the bastard and befree of him for good' I looked at my brother then back at Beck." I'm not that little girl anymore."

"You will always be my little girl no matter how old you get" I froze as the door opened and in walked dad.


I went to get up but Dad rushed to the bed pulling me into a bone crushing hug "my daughter I was so scared I'd loss you too"

"Dad I am fine."

"Fine my ass look your in the hospital how is that fine."

" I'm only here because of exhaustion and a little dehydration other wise I am well."

Mitchell leaned over kissing my forehead. "I'm just glad you are okay. "

Dad sat on the edge of my bed. "I hope woo-bin and your friends have been watching out for you."

Alex coughed hidding his laugh. "yeah he's been taking care of her."

I reached over slapping the back of my brothers head. "Stop being an ass."

Dad laugh before suddenly grabbing my left hand. "What is this?"

I looked an noticed he was looking at my ring. "Oh um.... There is something I needed to tell you Dad"

Before I could say anything the door opened. " Kenz I brought the stuff you asked for." as woo-bin closed the door he turned around and froze. "Mr. Wolfe sir"

"Young woo-bin you're grown so much."

I saw fur once woo-bin was terrified. "Dad there is something I need to tell you." I looked at woo-bin who understanding came over taking my hand in his. "Dad, woo-bin and I are..."

Woo-bin looked up."she had said yes "

I looked at woo-bin. "What?"

Woo-bin smiled. "Did you think I didn't talk to your dad before asking you to marry me?'

"So he knew you were proposing?'

"He and your brother both knew I asked them before I did it"

I smirked. "I was wondering why Alex didn't lose his temper and try to fight you! "

Alex smirked. "'Enough about me." He took Woo-Bin's Shoulder monuvoring him to my side "There was something you two wanted to say."

I bit my lip and tried to think of another way to breach the subject. "I don't know if Alex told you but we adopting Woo-Bin's little sister."

Dad smiled. "Yes I am excited to meet my new granddaughter."

I looked at woo-bin who was shaking in fear. He was going to be of no use I guess I just need to go ahead and break the news....

"Dad there is something we want to tell you "

He froze sitting at my side. "Is everything okay? You aren't sick are you?'

"No dad I'm not sick. But I do have to be careful for the next few.....months "

"Months?" he looked me over as if finally noticing something." Kenzie are you?"

I held out the ultrasound. "We just found out."

There was silence then dad looked up at Woo-Bin. " You got my daughter pregnant ?"

Woo-bin looked like he could faint. "I....i... It wasn't planned but we are both happy and I will make sure my family will never want for anything weather it be material things or emotional." he lifted my hand kissing my knuckles "I was stupid for so long and missed out on precious time with her and I look forward to the next 80 years with her.".

Dad looked over. "I'm not very happy her getting pregnant so soon however I am excited for the News and the fact you two are getting married also helps." his eyes narrowed. "Just don't hide anything from me anymore."

I smiled up at dad. " Don't worry dad we won't keep anything from you any more"

He leaned over kissing my forehead before patting Woo-Bin's shoulder. ''Even though you are young I know you two will be good parents.".

Woo-bin smiled. "Thank you Mr. Wolfe."

"Please you are family now call me dad if you like"

Woo-bin'S face showed something I've never seen before. He seemed so touched by what dad said" thank you... Dad,'

Dad moved over pulling Woo-Bin into a hug. "How about as soon as they let our girl out we head to Song Manor. Iwant to see so-Young and see when you tell her she is gonna be a big sister."

"Oh Dad!


Thank you to everyone who was patient on this Chapter I am so sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoyed the story.

Again thank you for joining and remember

Happy readings

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