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Ksenia P.O.V

It had been a week since I had left the others and came home early... I remembered when I returned home I was questioned endlessly about why I was home early and why didn't I call and why did I drive there... So I did something I usually wouldn't do I told Mitchell everything that had happened. Well everything except the almost kiss. An what surprised me was that he sided with Woo-Bin. Kind of.

He agreed in him stopping me in going out but he wasn't to happy with how he did it. So in that I was in my room still thinking. I felt bad about how I acted toward him. I knew I needed to apologize.

The main thing I needed to go check on Jan-Di. I still couldn't believe Jun-Pyo lost his father and his mother swept him away. The witch wouldn't even let us talk to him let alone see him before he left.

Setting up I looked at myself in the mirror and made up my mind. I was going to go check on Jan-Di and then find the boys to apologize. Getting up I changed and left the room.

"I'm heading to see Jan-Di."

Mitchel looked up from eating. "Want me to drive you?"

"No thanks I'll be good."Going out I jumped on my bike and took off.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

It would be my luck Jan-Di and Ga-Eul were with the guys at the F4 hang out.... Well I guess kill two birds with one stone. Probably best to just get it over with.After parking my bike I walked to the door stopping to take a deep breathe before going inside...

Peeking around the corner I saw Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung playing pool as Ji-Hoo and the girls sat talking. I leaned against the wall taking a deep breathe. I was so nervous about going around that corner and talking to them.

"Any luck?"

I froze as I heard Ji-Hoo talking. But the answering voice make me sigh.

"No! No luck. Kenzie must have my number blocked or something. I have not been able to get a hold of her."

I felt my heart break at the sadness in his voice. I was hurting him by ignoring him. I know I was mad but hearing him now and how much ignoring him is hurting him I knew I couldn't stay mad...

"Don't worry you'll get to talk to her soon."

I went around the corner leaning against the wall. "Hi guys."

They froze a moment stairing at me before they moved. Woo-Bin was the first to reach me pulling me into a strong hug that lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my arms around him enjoying the warmth of his hug.

As he sat me down everyone else came forward and hugged me Jan-Di being the last.

"How are you?"

"I am good." I looked over at Woo-Bin who backed off....... "Can I talk to you a moment please."

Jan-Di and Ga-Eul grabbed Ji-Hoo and Yi-Jung pulling them from the room. "We'll be in the other room."

After they left me and Woo-Bin stood in an awkward silence. I moved to the pool table lifting myself up to sit on the side.

"Are you okay?"

I turned to look up at Woo-Bin who stood so close. "Yeah I'm good." I bit my lip fortifying myself for what I was about to do......

Reaching forward I took Woo-Bin's hand in mine. As I played with his fingers I said what I needed to. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was out of line for how I treated you."

His hand reached out lifting my chin. "Don't apologies. You were right I should have found another way."

I tugged on his hand and next thing I knew he was leaned against me at the pool table. Ignoring the intimate situation I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his waist before I laid my head on his chest. "I know what you did was to protect me. Because you were right I do have a habit of charging into things and not think for my own safety."His arms went around me and I felt his chin on my head as he gently rocked me.

F4's Little Wolf (Boys over Flowers)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon