Touching Gesture!

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Ksenia P.O.V

It took over 30 minutes to finally get So-Young asleep. Placing a kiss on her forehead I left the room turning off the lights. I made my way back to the main hall when I saw Woo-Bin walking toward me.

"Woo-Bin?" He had a jacket over his arm and a pack on his shoulder. "What?"

He handed me the jacket. "Put this on."


He smirked. "Come on where's you sense of adventure." I chuckled before sliding on the jacket, which had to be his. As soon as I had it on he grabbed my hand. "Let's go."


"You'll see." He pulled me out to a garage. Going over to the side by side ATV he opened the door. "Come on."

Confused I got in watching as he took off the pack sitting it at my feet. Going around he jumped into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?"

He turned on the lights before driving off into the woods. "Somewhere special I take So-Young."


He took my hand in his. "Trust me it'll be worth it."

"Oh alright."

We drove for another 30 minutes before I saw a break in the trees. Woo-Bin slowed down before stopping. "Come on."

He opened my door helping me out before leading me froward. I saw we were at a cliff. As we got closer to the edge I felt the wind swirl around us.

"What are we doing here?"

Woo-Bin sat the pack down. "I heard what you said to So-Young." I froze. "You said you and your brother do something on her birthday.. Well, So-Young and I do something similar." He opened his bag pulling out what looked like a Chinese lantern. He handed me a large black marker.

"Write her name on the lantern." I felt touched at his thoughtfulness. Taking the marker I wrote my mom's name on the Lantern.

"Marielle?That's a beautiful name."

I smiled as Woo-Bin lit the candle. "My dad always called her his saving angel. That's actually how they met. My dad and his brother were hit by a drunk driver. My mom was a nurse, she saw what happened and went to help them. Uncle Gunner was fine but dad broke his arm and had a concussion. Mom had braced his arm and held him till the ambulance got there. Dad always said when he woke up in the hospital and saw her he said she was surrounded in white light. He's always told us that is when he fell in love with her."

Woo-Bin smiled. "She sounds wonderful."

I sniffed fighting back tears. "I miss her so much. My brother is lucky he has memories of her . The only thing I can remember is her body covering mine to save me."

"How'd she die?" I told him what I told Ji-Hoo. "So that's why the race and Ji-Hoo bothered you."

"Yes." I felt the tears fall. "I miss her."

His arms wrapped around me pulling me close." So-Young always talks to her lantern before releasing it. It seems to help her. "When I said nothing Woo-Bin's hand covered mine on the lantern. "Mrs.Wolfe." My eyes shot up seeing him staring into the lantern. " I just want to say you have an amazing daughter. She is strong, beautiful, and kicks my butt easily." That made me laugh. " I know you can only watch over her an not be there but this I give you my sole word. We will always be there for her, to protect her. I'll be there for her." He looked down at me. "Whether it'll be a shoulder to lean on, someone to hold her, or just a friend to comfort her. She will never be alone in this I promise."

I smiled before looking at the lantern ."Mom? I miss you so much. I hate you were taken from us. Dad still misses you, there wasn't a day I don't see him touch his ring in loving memories. An you'd be proud of the man Alex became. He's the best big brother in the world." I laid my head on Woo-Bin's chest. "An you'd like my friends here in Korea. I have a feeling you'd of taken them all adopting them as yours. You and Jan-Di's mom would have swapped recipes." I chuckled. " I can just see you facing down Jun-Pyo, Ji-Hoo, and Yi-Jung mothering them, giving them that mother's attention that was always missing. An when Woo-Bin makes me mad I could just see you grabbing and pulling on his ear till he apologized." I heard Woo-Bin laugh." But I'll be okay. I know you'll continue to watch over me as I grow up, an I just want to say thank you, thank you for being the best mom ever."

By the time I was done I could no longer stop the tears. Woo-Bin lead me to the cliff's edge lifting out linked hands that held the lantern. "To Marielle Wolfe, the brightest star that will be seen tonight." With that we allowed the wind to take the lantern. We watched as it flew higher and higher.

"Look." I released my attention on the lantern to look at the sky, an as if it was a movie the clouds began to disappear leaving a clear sky. An right in the direction of the Lantern flew was the brightest star.

I sniffed no longer fighting my tears. "I love you mom."

Woo-Bin's arms circled me pulling me against his chest. I laid my head on his shoulder as we both watched the lantern till it disappeared. Even once it was gone he continued to hold me offering his strength an comfort.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me."

"I know but I want to." I looked up at him. "You've no idea how much this means to me."

He kissed my forehead. "I have an idea." He pulled my jacket closed. "Now let's get you back. I have a feeling Beck had been looking for you."

He lead me back to the ATV. "Beck's just another mother hen. Even though he denies it."

Woo-Bin chuckled before getting in the drivers seat heading back. "The last game is tomorrow."

"Yeah.. But how is it gonna work. Jun-Pyo can't swim."

"Didn't Jan-Di tell you?"

"No.. What? She only told me what it was."

He sighed. "Jun-Pyo can't swim so Jun-Hee has something different in mind."


"Two vs Two."

"Two? Who?"

"Jan-Di and Ji-Hoo against Yi-Jung and I."


"I'll be racing against Ji-Hoo, Jan-di and Yi-Jung will race."

"An Jun-Pyo will have to sit and watch."




"Because he had to sit there he'll think. I promise you this Woo-Bin no one will win that race tomorrow."


"I have a feeling. Trust me."

He smiled. "I do trust you. An I hope your right."

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