chapter 25

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Enzo- i got a break from normal life and spent it with the love of my life.

My face heated up.

Kai- that's great to hear! Oh! This is my wife, Jennie.

Jennie- hello your highness.

Enzo bowed his head in her direction.

Enzo- it's a pleasure to meet you.

Jennie- you as well your highness.

He chuckled.

Enzo- please, just call me Lorenzo.

She nodded her head to him politely. The elevator doors opened and we walked into the lobby. Enzo turned to kai and Jennie.

Enzo- i hope to see the two of you around the town.

Kai- same here!

Me and Enzo walked outside of the hotel and got into our limo. Once we got settled in our seats I spoke.

Shizu- so what are we doing today?

He smiled happily towards me.

Enzo- i got to get seized for the ball this Friday.

I hummed.

Shizu- then what else?

Enzo- I have things to deal with but we can go spend the day out on the town tomorrow.

Shizu- i would love that.

Once we had returned to the castle we saw salena had been waiting for us.

Shizu- she noticed after all.

We got out of the car and salena began speaking.

Salena- where did the both of you go? You were out all night.

He smiled towards his sister sheepishly.

Enzo- I took her out for dinner and we stayed at a hotel.

She glared at him and turned too look at me.

Shizu- shizu, you are going to be seized in fifteen minutes. I suggest you change.

Shizu- thank you for telling me salena.

She smiled kindly. I walked inside and parted ways with Enzo, going to my room. Opened the door to see Ashley chilling in bed.

Shizu- hey!

She jumped from my sudden loud voice.

Ashley- stop scaring me!

I laughed and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my suitcase and unzipped it.

Ashley- are you changing into normal clothes?

Shizu- yeah, i need to get comfy.

Ashley- tell me about it.

I went through my clothing and put on a simple black tank top. I tucked my tank top into a tight pair of skinny jeans. I put on a pair of socks and put on my converse. There was a knock on the bedroom door.

Shizu- hang on a moment!

I closed my suitcase and walked over to the door. I opened the door and a man I had never seen before was standing there.

Shizu- yes?

???- my lady, it is time to get seized.

Shizu- oh of course.

I turned my head to look at Ashley.

Shizu- i'll be back soon.

Ashley- have fun shi.

unordinary story book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora