chapter 7

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He sighed and grabbed my hand in his.
enzo- i have to go.
Shizu- where?
Enzo- i need to go back to where i lived before i came here… i won’t be able to see you or text you.
My heart dropped into my stomach.
Shizu- what… what do you mean?
Enzo- i don’t know if we will ever see each other again.
I scoffed, my eyes tearing up.
Shizu- i slept with you enzo! Did that mean nothing to you enzo?!
He kissed me gently.
Enzo- that was the best decision i have ever made in my life, i don’t want to leave you but i have responsibilities.
Shizu- if you walk away from me now, everything we had will be gone! I will forget you ever existed.
He let go of my hand.
Enzo- i’m so sorry shizu…
With that he began walking away.
Shizu- lorenzo don’t do this to me!
And he was gone. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I decided I didn't want to be near anyone right now. I grabbed all my stuff and walked back home. I opened the front door and slammed it behind me.
Zack- shizu, what’s wrong?
He touched my shoulder but I just shrugged his hand away.
Shizu- don’t fucking touch me.
I walked straight past him and went to my room. I slammed my bedroom door behind me and let my books fall to the floor as I knelt down against the door. I let my tears fall from my eyes. I curled up and just cried. I shouldn’t feel this hurt, I just met him… but there was something about him that I loved. Without noticing I cried myself to sleep. I opened my eyes and groaned.
Shizu- what time is it?
I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror.. I immediately noticed my swollen eyes. Ugh… my eyes traveled down to his hoodie. I took it off and set it down on my sink. I sank into my bed and closed my eyes again. And that’s how a month passed. I refused to open my eyes. I just slept so I could ignore my feelings. It was like how a bear sleeps all winter. I finally opened my eyes. It was dark. I shuffled out of bed to my bathroom just like I did before I closed my eyes. I didn’t see his hoodie. Where did it go? I shrugged my shoulders and took a shower. I then got dressed in a pair of leggings and a t- shirt. I moved downstairs to the living room. I see Ashley curled up against Sebastian, they were clearly having a serious conversation.
Ashly- when will she wake up? Enzo is such a dick for doing that to her.
Sebastian- i miss her.
Ashley- i do too…
I moved to the front door and walked outside. The night air hit my skin causing me to shiver. I think I could go for a bite. I walked through the streets and began walking through the allies trying to catch a bold drunk guy.
???- hey little lady, where are you off too?
Finally. I turned and glanced at him.
Shizu- where i feel like going. You know, like the wind.
He stumbled over to me.
???- i don’t know about whatever the fuck the wind is doing with it’s time but i sure know what i’m doing wuth mine.
I hummed and he pushed me against a wall.
Shizu- are you sure you know? Cause let’s say you could be in danger.
He scoffed and pulled out a knife.
???- me in danger? Nah, it’s your sexy self that is in danger.
I lick my lips and pounce on him. He screamed for his life as I drained his blood. Once I was done I cleaned my mouth and began walking off.
Shizu- correction, I was right. You were wrong.
I chuckled and made my way back to the house.
Ashley- shizu!
She hugged me and I accepted the hug.
Shizu- hey ash.
Ashley- you were asleep for a month, i missed you so much.
Two years passed and I was enjoying life as a vampire. I graduated highschool and now I'm in college with ash and seb. Nara and yuki ended up moving out to go to some college that I don’t care to remember. Yes, I hold long grudges. I groan annoyedly as I hear the alarm clock going off. I turn it off and I push myself out of bed. I slid on my slippers and I made my way downstairs. Zack, zane, ash, and seb were all eating breakfast.
Shizu- hey dorks.
Zane- morning shui.
I patted zane’s head and made a bowl of cereal. I sat down with them and munched.
Ashley- how did you sleep?
Shizu- great, per usual.
We finished eating and I went upstairs and began going through my drawers to find my favorite pair of leggings when I found them sitting on top of a familiar hoodie. I hesitated but grabbed it with my leggings. I closed the drawer and set the hoodie down onto my bed. I would be lying if i didn’t admit that i have been missing lorenzo so much. It was so great to be around another vampire. I sighed. I slid on my leggings, a tank top, and the hoodie. It feels just as good as I remember. I sigh and go downstairs.
Ashley- let’s stop at the coffee shop on the way to class.
I nodded. We left and grabbed coffee. The school day passed and we met up by the school gate. Ashley sighed.
Ashley- another stupid day of college.
Shizu- right thoooo
Ashley- i’m so ready to party tonight.
Shizu- same, we deserve it.
Ashley- exactly.
We got into my car and drove back to the house and me and Ashley were stuck up in my room getting ready and goofing off. Since I had been missing Lorenzo, I put on the pink dress and heels that I wore that night. We did our makeup and headed down to the living room.

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