chapter 16

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Sebastian glanced back at us and saw zane. He dived into the pool after him.  I let out a soft laugh before sinking under the water and made my way to the other wall at the other end of the pool. I successfully swam past Sebastian without getting caught. My hand touched the wall and I heard Ashley speak.
Ashley- dang it!
I turned to see that he had caught her.
Sebastian- i’m sorry babe.
Ashley- it’s okay.
She swam to the ladder to get out and the rest of us made our way to the wall where we started.  Once we got back to the wall Jasper spoke out to me  causing me to look at him.
Jasper- so what’s your favorite cat?
I smiled at him.
Shizu- i love the birman breed! They are so cute!
Jasper- they are quite cute.
I nodded at his words.
Shizu- of course they are, I like them after all.
I joked making him laugh.
Ashley- the topic i will be choosing is birds. Abyssinian lovebird, australian king parrot, black throated sparrow.
Jasper ducked under the water and began swimming away.
Ashley burrowing owl, crimson rosella.
Damn. I dived under the water, kicking the wall for a boost. The water rippled and the muffled sound of a splash bounced on the water. I felt her hand get close to my feet and I pulled it away so she didn’t touch me. I placed my hand on the wall and I smiled in victory. I raised my head out of the water and slicked my hair back. I opened my eyes and saw Ashley holding onto zane’s wrist.
Ashley- caught ya!
She said with victory in her voice.
Zane- damn.
She let go of zane and he headed to the edge of the pool, lifting himself out of the water. I swam to the other wall, placed my arms on the edge to rest my head on. Ashley spoke to me, making me look at her.
Ashley- you are so lucky that you just barely moved before i could grab you.
I stuck out my tongue towards her.
Zane- I'm choosing dog breeds since we are doing breeds.
He gave us an awkward smile and turned around too face away from us.
Zane- affenpinscher, afghan hound, airedale terrier, akita american, eskimo dog.
Me and both ashley both sank down under the water and began swimming. Zane jumped into the pool and landed on top of me. I yelled in surprise, sinking down. When i swam up to the surface i saw enzo and salena in the doorway. Enzo was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I sighed softly too myself. He is so handsome i feel like i don’t deserve someone like him. I smiled and i felt my heart flutter as his eyes landed on me.
Salena- are you guys ready for lunch?
Zane- of course.
I swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool, sliding my wet hair back with my hands. I walked over to my chair with my robe and put it on, tying a knot to keep the robe closed. I slid my pair of flip flops on and walked up to enzo. He smiled and stood up straight, offering his hand to me. I smiled and placed my hand in his. Enzo entangled our fingers together and spoke.
Enzo- did you have fun?
I nodded happily.
Shizu- are you going to join us?
Enzo- yeah, after we eat.
I bumped him with my hip making him chuckle.
Shizu- so do you know what’s for lunch?
Enzo- not sure, the food should already be there.
We went into the dining room and ate lunch. Everyone but me, enzo, and salena had headed back to the pool. Salena left to go change. Enzo turned to me.
Enzo- come with me.
His voice was soft as he smiled.
Shizu- lead the way!
He grabbed my hand and entangled our fingers together. He led me through the castle, upstairs, and into a bedroom. I looked around the room, it was so amazing. He let go of my hand and closed the door. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me closely.
Enzo- welcome to my domain.
He murmured and I placed my hands on his shoulders. He hummed softly before speaking.
Enzo- i missed you.
I moved my hands to the back of his neck and spoke.
Shizu- i missed you too.
We stayed like that for a few moments, just looking into each other’s eyes. I sighed happily and I moved my face and placed it into his neck. I took a deep breath, enjoying his scent. He always smells so good, it calms my nerves. He laughed softly.
Enzo- you smell like the pool.
I let out a laugh and pulled my face from his neck, looking into his eyes again.
Shizu- I can't say anything on how you smell.
My face heated up and I looked down shyly.
Enzo- why not?
He placed his hand under my chin, moving my face to look at him.
Shizu- you always smell really good.
He smiled, enjoying my kind words and red face.
Enzo- thank you.
He moved his hand from my chin to my neck, placing his lips on mine.  I smiled and happily kissed him, closing my eyes. He pulled his hands from me and pulled away from the kiss.
Enzo- i have to get changed.
I frowned at his words before getting an idea.
Shizu- can I join you?
A smirk formed on those delicious lips and his hands moved to the knot on my robe.
Enzo- well i don’t see why not.
He teased before pilling on one of the strings making the knot undoing itself and opening. His hands slid past my robe and touched my skin. I bit my bottom lip, enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine.
Enzo- you look so good dressed like this.
His hands trailed up my sides and gently pushed my robe off of my shoulders. The robe slid from my body and pooled at my feet.  I slid my tongue over my bottom lip and his eyes moved to my lips. He leaned in and took my bottom lip between his lips, sucking on it. I opened my mouth a little and he opened his, sliding his tongue into mouth. His tongue explored my mouth and I gently sucked on it before sliding mine into his mouth. He slowly began backing me up until my legs hit the edge of his bed making me sit down. He gripped my hips and moved me up the bed more as he crawled onto the bed. He hovered over top of me, our mouths never separating, he slid his hands from my hips to my thighs and moved my legs to wrap around him. His mouth moved from mine, leaving kisses down my jaw  and too where my neck meets my shoulder. I felt myself getting more needy. He sucked on the spot, making me whimper. I moved my hips against his in order to get some friction to get some pleasure. He groaned softly from the friction. A knock emanated from his door, making him stop. He growled annoyedly and took his lips away from my neck.
Enzo- yes?
Jasper- what is taking so long enzo?
He cursed under his breath.
Enzo- i’ll be out in a minute.
Jasper- i’ll be waiting right here for you.
He sighed and sat up.
Enzo- we will have to finish this tonight.
He leaned down and pecked my lips before getting off of the bed. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched him get changed, enjoying every inch of his muscular body. I laughed softly too myself. He looked at me once he heard my laugh.
Enzo- what is it?
I Laughed softly before speaking.
Shizu- nice ass.
He winked at me and laughed. I smiled happily, making him smile. I got off the bed.
Enzo- ready to go?
Shizu- i need to put my robe back on.
I bent over in front of him handpicked up my robe. I stood up straight and slid it back on. I tied the knot and Enzo took my hand in his. He led me to the door and opened it.

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