Chapter 35

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Shizu- you are one of us too?

He nodded his head.

Shizu- i hadn't realized my apologies.

???- My name is Park levi.

I bowed my head politely.

Shizu- shizu nanase.

I stood straight.

Shizu- pleasure to meet you levi.

Levi- you as well shizu. Your name is rather familiar.

I nodded my head.

Shizu- i would be surprised if it hadn't been. I am mistress to king lorenzo.

A smile spread across his face.

Levi- that is wicked cool! What an honor your soon to be highness.

I laughed softly but couldn't help but feel a little shy about the title he had given me.

Shizu- oh dear, you flatter me.

Levi- as much as i would love to stay and speak to our future ruler i have other things i have to do. It was very pleasant to meet you, my lady.

He bowed his head.

Shizu- i do hope to see you again mister park.

He smiled and headed off. I tapped Laurence's chest in an attempt to wake him.

Shizu- come on, we must be heading back.

I saw him shift before his eyes slowly opened.

Laurence- shizu.

He shifted into a sitting position on the stairs. The birds chirped around us as I gave him a hand onto his feet. He seemed rather out of it.

Shizu- are you okay?

Laurance- yeah, i just have a headache is all.

Shizu- give me the keys, i'll drive us back while you rest.

Laurance- alright

He pulled his keys out of his pocket and handed them to me. It took us a moment to find where we had parked. I unlocked the car door and helped him into the passenger seat.

Shizu- you all situated?

He nodded his head gently, must not wanting to speak anymore. He leaned his seat back and closed his eyes. I closed his door and walked around the black car to the driver's seat. I opened the door and got myself settled into the driver's seat before closing the door. I shifted the keys into the ignition. The car roared to life with the turn of the key. I drove out of there with laurance silently resting next to me. I couldn't imagine not being able to handle my drinks. I pulled into the front of the castle.

Shizu- hey laurence, we are here.

He opened his car door and got out. We walked inside of the modern castle and none other than Max had been waiting for us. I bowed my head to him respectfully.

Shizu- good morning your highness.

Max- the both of you are so damn irresponsible! How dare the both of you go to some such party and be out all night! The both of you are going to be the leaders one day! The both of you are going to run this world into dust with such childish behavior.

Laurence- my apologies father i should have spoken the truth to you.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Is he seriously just going to take what his father his throwing at him? I bit my tongue so I wouldn't lash back. I spoke softly.

Shizu- i must be returning to my room so i may freshen up for the day.

Max- good idea, i'll take you there.

Shizu- there is no need, I do remember where it is sir.

Max- nonsense, I insist.

I bowed my head.

Shizu- yes of course.

God like I want to be alone with this ass. We made our way to the room I had been situated in and as I went to grab the door handle he grabbed my wrist tightly.

Max- listen here you kid.

My eyebrows furrowed as I turned my head to him.

Shizu- yes?

Max- i don't care what magic or seduction you used on lorenze but i will not allow such a slutty girl to be with a king and pureblood.

I scoffed.

Shizu- excuse you but i am no slut.

Max- yeah like i will ever fucking believe that. You should leave and never show your face in our hierarchy ever again.

I snapped.

Shizu- or you'll what? Out me for being a so-called slut? Kill me? Tell me king max lycan of the wolves, what will you do if i stay by his side?

I spat through gritted teeth. He laughed bitterly.

Max- i'll make sure you wish you were never even born.

I laughed mockingly.

Shizu- then try your damned best.

I heard a soft happy sigh before the phone call ended. I set the phone down and opened my suitcase. I shuffled through the clothing until my eyes laid on a white silk dress. Did enzo slip this in? I held it up in the air, it was simple and rather long. I put on a white bra and matching underwear. I slid the dress onto my thin body. It hugged my upper curves until my waist. It was an off the shoulder long sleeved dress. It dragged on the floor behind me. He has such good taste. I sat down and slid on a pair of white heels. I went over to the bathroom and matched my makeup to my dress. I brushed my hair out and let it rest on my shoulders. I walked out of my room, the back of the dress dragging on the floor. I made my way towards the dining hall. I rather miss Jasper as well as enzo. I entered the big dining hall, everyone was socializing as I entered.

Salena- ah! Shizu do join us, we were waiting for you.

Shizu- my apologies, I did not mean to take such a long time.

Natalya- no no, do not apologise dear. You look amazing by the way.

I smiled shyly from her compliment.

Shizu- thank you so much natalya you look amazing as well.

Natalya- thank you dear.

I sat down next to salena and my food was placed in front of me. I picked up a fork and picked up some of the eggs. I put it into my mouth. my mouth, it felt like acid. There must be vervain in mine. I began choking and spit it bite onto my plate. I held my mouth in my hand.

Salena- shizu?! What happened?

Shizu- vervain.

Natalya- what?! Max this was your doing wasn't it!?

Max- why would you think I would do just a thing?

Natalya- please excuse us for a moment.

She stood up angrily and dragged Max out of the room. I pushed the plate away from me.

Salena- i am so sorry shizu.

Laurence- here shizu, eat mine.


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