chapter 5

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I nodded.
Shizu- yeah let’s exchange numbers so i can text you my address.
Enzo- I'd love too.
We exchanged numbers and I texted him my address.
Enzo- so what’s it like living here?
I hummed.
Shizu- it’s pretty for being america.
Enzo- what’s that supposed to mean?
Shizu- i’m from south korea.
Enzo- really?
I nodded.
Shizu- I'm from Geumjeong district, in busan, south korea.
Enzo- oh wow.
Shizu- cool right?
He nodded. The bell rang and Mr.Smith entered the room.
Shizu- let’s talk after class?
He nodded. Class passed and I smiled at him.
Shizu- eight right?
He smiled.
Enzo- right.
Shizu- so i’ll see you then?
Enzo- definitely
Shizu- alright, i’ll see you then
Enzo- see you then.
I met up with zane, Sebastian, and Ashley at the front of the school with a smile on my face.
Sebastian- what’s that smile for?
I hummed.
Shizu- no reason at all.
Ashley nudged me.
Shizu- what’s up?
Ashley- i heard there was a new asian kid in your class.
I let out a soft laugh.
Shizu- yep, he is really cool.
Ashley smirks.
Ashley- so you spoke, huh?
I blushed softly.
Shizu- yeah.
I opened the door to the house and um immediately hugged. I gasped in surprise.
Nara- i’m so sorry, please take me back.
I looked away.
Shizu- no.
How does he like being said no too? He pulled from the hug too look at me.
Nara- what do you mean no?
Shizu- i said no! I didn’t deserve to be treated the way that you treated me.
Nara- i wanna fix my mistake.
Shizu- by being with me? No thank you.
I walked past him.
Nara- shizu… please.
Shizu- my answer still stands.
Zack patted his shoulder.
Zack- she’s just pissed, give her some time.
Nara- your right?
I scoffed to myself. Little do you know, I'm moving on. I made my way to my new room and jumped into my bed. I squeaked happily. I pulled out my phone and texted enzo.
Shizu: heyyy
After a few seconds he texted back.
Enzo: hey!
I smiled softly.
Shizu: I have a question.
Enzo: what’s up?
Shizu: can i have a pic so i can set your contact picture?
Enzo: only if i can have one.
I let out a soft laugh.
Shizu: deal.
He sent me a pic that made my heart melt and I sent him one back. I set his pic as a selfie.
Shizu- god he is so hot!
Enzo: I'm excited for tonight.
Shizu: me too! What should i wear?
Enzo: anything you want, hopefully a dress.
I let out a soft laugh.
Shizu: alright.
I sat up once I realized.
Shizu- i don’t have any dresses!
I jumped out of bed and ran to Ashley's room. I burst into the room to see her and Sebastian about to kiss. I grabbed her wrist and began pulling her out of the room.
Shizu- no time for kisses! We have to hurry!
Ashley put on her shoes and we drove to a nearby clothes store.
Ashley- what are we doing here?
I hummed.
Shizu- i need a dress
Ashley- why?
Shizu- reasons.
We started going through the dresses. She held a light pink dress that went too the knee but on the right side it was cut at the mid thigh and it had a low v line. It hugged my every curve.
Ashley- what about this one?
I hummed. It was really pretty.
Shizu- i like it, but let’s continue shopping.
She nodded. I stopped on a black dress that was mid thigh and it had long sleeves but it wasn’t on the shoulders.
Shizu- i love this! Okay two dresses is enough, let’s check out.
She nodded. We purchased the dresses.
Ashley- are you still not going to tell me why you need dresses.
I gasped.
Shizu- shoes! I forgot shoes!
We put the dresses in the car and went back inside.
???- forget something miss?
I nodded.
Shizu- yeah, i forgot shoes.
The cashier let out a laugh and me and Ashley went to the shoes. I started looking through and found the cutest pink heels that had straps that held the foot in place. I continued to look for a black pair. Ashley held up a heel that I was in awe at. It was a black heel with straps that held the foot in place.
Shizu- i’ll take it!
We bought the shoes and also put them in the car. We drove back home.ashley- are you avoiding my question?
I huffed.
Shizu- fine!i’m going out with a guy! You can’t tell nara though…
Ashley- you already moved on?!
I nodded.shizu- i like this guy, a lot..
Ashley- well… if you’re happy then i’m happy. I won’t tell.
I hugged her tightly.
Shizu- thank you so muchhhh!!
Ashley- it was nothing.
I smiled.
Shizu- want to help me get ready?
She gasped happily.
Ashley- you don’t even need to ask!!
I giggle and we walk into the house with the dress bags and shoe boxes.
Nara- what’s all this?
I looked over at Ashley for help.
Ashley- I took her shopping with me.
Nara- oh, alright
We walked upstairs.
Shizu- thank you for saving me.
Ashley- it’s no problem.
We closed my bedroom door and I turned on bluetooth to my speaker. She got me dressed in the pink dress and she did my makeup after I ate. Once I finished it just turned eight. I smiled happily. My phone buzzed. I look at my phone to see a text from enzo.
Enzo: eight on the dot, waiting for you.
I smiled brightly.
Shizu: be down in a sec.
Ashley- is that him?
I nodded.
Ashley- i’ll walk you down.
Shizu- thank you so much.
Ashley- what are best friends foe?
She walks me down the stairs and out the front door to see Enzo waiting at the other side of the door.
Enzo- wow…
He was wearing dress pants and a button up white shirt. My heart was beating rapidly.

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