chapter 23

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Jasper walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I moved my eyes over to enzo. He looks so damn handsome with messy hair. I kissed his cheek tiredly before getting out of bed. I walked over to his bathroom and flickered the light on. I walked over to his sink and picked up the extra tooth brush. I put toothpaste onto the tooth brush and began brushing my teeth. Enzo joined me in the bathroom and he began brushing his teeth. He wrapped his left arm around my waist. I spit into the sink and rinsed my toothbrush before rinsing my mouth. I grabbed one one of his bathroom robes and put it on, tying a knot with the strings. I picked up my dress and slid my heels on

Shizu- i'll see you downstairs during breakfast.

He nodded and gave me a sweet kiss.

Enzo- i'll see you then, beautiful.

I smiled and left his bedroom. I walked back to my room and quietly opened the door. I closed it behind me. I see Ashley hanging halfway off the bed while snoring loudly. I laughed mischievously.

Shizu- ASHLEY!

I yelled loudly. Ashley screamed loudly and hit the ground.

Ashley- holy fuck! Why did you have to scare me like that?!

I laughed.

Shizu- sorry not sorry. I'm going to take a shower.

She huffed at my words and I walked past the bed. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower to heat up. I got undressed and my fingers grazed my necklace. I smiled. I can't believe he's letting me have this. I smiled and took it off, carefully setting it down on the counter of the sink. I got into the shower. Once i finished my shower i turned off the water and wrapped a towel around myself. I tucked the top of the robe in so it wouldn't fall off of my body.i walked over to the sink and brushed my hair. I set my hair brush down. I picked up the necklace and left the bathroom, turning the light off behind me. I set my necklace down in a drawer where the jewelry goes. I let the towel fall to my feet and I put on the brand pink matching gray bra and underwear. I put on a white shirt with long sleeves and tucked it into a long plaid skirt and I put on a brown leather corset. I tied the corset tightly. I sat down onto a couch that was placed in the middle of the room. I put on a pair of socks and a pair of black converses. No one should notice what shoes I'm wearing because my skirt completely covers my shoes. I walked out of the closet and walked back into the bathroom. The bathroom was steamy because Ashley was taking a shower.

Shizu- i am about to head down for breakfast.

She called back to me.

Ashley- alright.

I brushed my hair out once again before pulling it up and putting it in a neat bun. I opened my makeup box and applied some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and clear lip gloss. I closed my makeup box.

Shizu- alright i'm heading down.

Ashley- I'll see you when I get down there. I walked out of the bathroom. I opened the bedroom door and closed it behind me. I walked down the stairs and saw jasper.

Jasper- good morning miss shizu! You look quite lovely, I like your outfit.

I gave him a small bow.

Shizu- thank you jasper.

Jasper- it's my pleasure.

He turned my bow and smiled.

Jasper- enzo is waiting for you.

I smiled.

Shizu- thank you for telling me.

Jasper- of course miss shizu.

I walked past him and entered the dining hall. My eyes landed on enzo, who was talking casually with salena. I smiled and took my seat beside him. He smiled at me.

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