Chapter 38

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He smiled at me and moved his hands to my butt and picked me up. I laughed as he laid me under the blanket in the bed. He moved under the covers and I turned on my side to face him. He slid his hands around my waist and held me closer. We stared into each other's eyes, my face still feeling hot under his gaze.

Enzo- you always blush when we look at each other.

Shizu- i can't help it, i find you extremely attractive physically and mentally.

He laughed, a smile spreading across his face. I closed my eyes and smiled shyly.

Enzo- do you ever want to have kids?

I opened my eyes softly, looking at him.

Shizu- of course i do but only with you.

He smiled once again and gently kissed me.

Enzo- i want to have children with you.

He rested his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again the morning light was flooding into the room. Enzo's face was so close to mine. His breath fanned my face with every exhale. I'm so in love with this man. My vision went blurry for a moment. Woah. my stomach was swirling. I pushed myself out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I opened the toilet lid and began emptying last night's dinner into it. I held on tightly to the seat. I felt a hand on my back causing me to jump slightly as I puked.

Enzo- are you okay baby?

I rested my head onto my arm as he moved my hair out of my face.

Shizu- yeah it must have been something i ate last night.

Enzo- are you sure?

Shizu- yeah, that has to be it.

He gently rubbed my back and I slid down onto my butt.

Shizu- i need to brush my teeth baby.

I flushed the toilet.

Enzo- take it slow baby.

He helped me up onto my feet and over to the sink.

Shizu- baby, i'm fine really.

Enzo- nuh uh, i am not leaving your side.

I smiled softly at his caring side. I brushed my hair and teeth and he did the same. I yawned and we walked back into the bedroom. I began looking through the clothing I had brought. I had decided on a light blue dress. It was puffed out going down just like a ball gown. The sleeves were see-through and very long. I noticed something cold on my ankle. I lifted the dress and noticed an anklet. Where did that come from? I shrugged.

Enzo- how are you feeling better baby?

My stomach was still swirling.

Shizu- i still feel rather nauseous.

Enzo- do you need blood?

Shizu- i believe i should be fine.

Enzo- no just in case.

He sat down onto the edge of the bed in only a pair of pants. God he is so fucking sexy. I moved over to him and lifted my dress. My bear ass was resting on his lap. He placed his hands onto my hips and I dug my fangs into his shoulder. He let out a soft gasp. After a few moments my body got hot and I dug my hips down against him. He moaned and I pulled from his neck. He began grinding my hips against him. I groaned and a knock on the door caused us to stop.

???- breakfast will be served shortly.

I moved my body off of Enzo and moved to the bathroom. I did my makeup and went to my closet. I slid on a pair of underwear and a pair of light blue simple heels. Enzo took my hand in his and we walked out of the bedroom. We walked towards the dining hall. I felt myself blush, remembering the pretty ring on my finger. I'm going to be his wife. I let out a soft happy laugh.

Enzo- what's that expression for?

I let out a shy laugh.

Shizu- i was just thinking about how i'm going to be your wife soon.

He smiled and stopped walking. He leaned down and kissed me softly. When I opened my eyes he was looking at me with the softest expression.

Enzo- my beautiful soon to be wife.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. He led me into the dining hall.

Salena- good morning brother and good morning shizu.

Shizu- good morning soon to be sister.

I smiled brightly. She furrowed her eyebrows.

Enzo- we have news everyone.

They all turned their attention to us. Including that douche max.

Enzo- last night i proposed to shizu. The day of her crowning ceremony will be the day of our wedding.

I couldn't help but smile shyly as Enzo held out my hand to show everyone the ring.

Natalya- congratulations!! I'm so happy for the both of you!

Salena stood up and took me in her arms.

Salena- welcome to the family sister.

Shizu- it's great to be a part of it, sister.

She smiled brightly and hugged me tightly again.

Max- I'm so happy for you lorenzo! You are finally getting tied down. Even though she isn't of royal blood.

He spat out the last sentence.

Enzo- she is my queen. From the first moment I went looking for her and i found her. I love her to death.

Shizu- oh shush, you are making me shy.

He laughed and gently kissed me.

Enzo- my future wife

He pulled me into a soft hug.

Enzo- you are all mine shizu.

I felt myself blush.

Shizu- I've always been yours enzo.

I wrapped my arms around his torso. He rested his head down onto my shoulder and I enjoyed the warmth of his body. He is mine only mine forever. I pulled from his embrace and smiled at him softly.

Shizu- I love you lorenzo.

I spoke quietly. His soft smile made my entire existence worth every moment.

Enzo- and I love you shizu.

I leaned up and gently kissed him.

Natalya- hey love birds, you both are so cute to watch but i'm hungry.

I laughed and moved away from his grasp, entangling his hand in mine. We sat down at a table. After breakfast had ended we spoke our goodbyes and began heading out to our limo. I gave out a nasty cough.

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