chapter 41

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Jasper- do you shizu aki nanase agree to fulfill the duties as queen and head of the castle?

I bowed my head.

Shizu- i will do my duties as queen, head of the castle, and as wife to the king.

Jasper placed a crown onto my head. I stood up and faced enzo.

Jasper- dearly beloved we are gathered here today to announce the new queen and for the wedding of shizu aki nanase and lorenzo feng kim. They have created their own vows so i ask lorenzo to start the vow reading.

Enzo- shizu, the very first moment i saw you i fell instantly in love. That very morning you had a frown on your face because someone had broken your heart for becoming a vampire. The more I got to speak to you and get to know you, I couldn't help but see the pureness in your heart. You are absolutely beautiful inside and out. I couldn't ask for anyone else to become my wife.

I smiled sweetly and opened my mouth softly.

Shizu- Lorenzo, I remember that morning as well. I was angry at life and then I saw you and I was instantly interested in you. I mean how could i not, you are so dang handsome.

He laughed softly.

Shizu- your eyes, that beautiful red color that draws me in every single second. Your smile that shines even when the skies are gray and rain is falling. Your heart is the biggest i have ever seen before and it's completely filled with your love for me and everyone you hold dear. You are a very sweet and kind king. I can't wait for the day that we can start a family together.

Jasper- lorenzo do you take shizu to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?

Lorenzo was looking right into my eyes with the softest expression.

Lorenzo- I do with my entire heart.

Jasper- Shizu, do you take lorenzo to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?

Shizu- of course I do.

Jasper- lorenzo, repeat after me. I, lorenzo take you Shizu, to be my wife,

Enzo- I, lorenzo take you Shizu, to be my wife,

Jasper- to have and to hold from this day forward,

Enzo- to have and to hold from this day forward,

His voice was soft.

Jasper- for better, for worse,

Enzo- for better, for worse,

Jasper- for richer, for poorer,

Enzo- for richer, for poorer,

Jasper- in sickness and in health,

Enzo-in sickness and in health,

Jasper- to love and to cherish,

Enzo- to love and to cherish,

Jasper- till death do us part.

Enzo- till death do us part.

Jasper- now miss shizu, please repeat after me. I, (Name), take you (Name),

Shizu- I, (Name), take you (Name),

Jasper- to be my husband,

Shizu- to be my husband,

unordinary story book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя