chapter 17

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Jasper- oh miss shizu, i had no idea you were in there.
I laughed shyly. 
Shizu- yeah, he was just showing me his room and getting changed.
A small knowing smile spread across his face.
Jasper- are you sure that’s all you two did in there?
My face heated up.
Shizu- jasper!
I yelled shyly, making enzo laugh.
Jasper- my apologies.
He laughed and we walked downstairs to the pool. I untied my robe and set it down in the same chair I had put it in earlier. Salena walked into the room in a simple pink bikini. Her figure is so nice geez. After many hours of swimming and playing games we had gotten out of the pooland changed for dinner. Me and Ashley were standing in my closet as I looked through for something for us to wear.
Ashley- i had so much fun today, i like it here.
I glanced at her and smiled before looking through the dresses.
Shizu- me too.
My eyes landed on a pretty black dress and I took it off the hanger. I dropped it over my arm and moved too look at the shoes. I grabbed a pair of black heels and placed them into Ashley's arms.
Shizu- here, go change will you?
Ashley- okay?
She walked out of the closet to go change in the bathroom. I moved and begann looking through the dresses. I picked a knee length dress that had transparents sleeves that had sparkles on them. This dress is hella cute. I moved to the shoes and grabbed a pink pair that had a bow on the straps that went around the ankle. I turned off the light and closed the door to the closet. I sat down on the bed and waited for Ashley to leave the bathroom. When she finally left the bathroom I checked her out to see how it looked on her.
Shizu- you look so good in that dress.
She smiled brightly at me.
Ashey- all thanks to you bestie.
I sent her a smile before getting up and going into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and I got undressed out of my bathing suit. I placed the bathing suit in the basket and got dressed. I did my make up and brushed my hair out before leaving the bathroom.
Ashley- damn girl, you look good.
I laughed at her words.
Shizu- thank you.
We walked out of the room and made our way to the dining hall walking about today’s events and laughing. When we got there I sat down beside enzo. I guess this is my official seat now. 
Jasper- would you like some blood miss shizu?
My stomach growled but I shook my head.
Shizu- I will take some wine.
Jasper- yes of course.
Jasper walked out of the room. After we had all eaten the servants took our dishes. We sat there casually talking to each other.
Salena- it is so awkward sitting here, shall we move to the living room?
zane - i’ll go.
Zane had said almost immediately.
Shizu- yeah, i don’t see why not.
Salena- then it is settled, let us go.
We all stood up and made our way to the living room. I smiled as I saw the lit fireplace.
Salena- have you guys played uno before?
She asked as we got settled on the couches. I hummed and spoke.
Shizu- we used to play it once a week at our house.
Salena- good, then you should know the rules already.
She opened a drawer under the table and pulled out a deck of uno cards.
Salena- we shall go clockwise, starting with zane.
How we were seated it was going to be going in the order of zane, salena, enzo, me, ashley, and then sebastian. She shuffled the deck down in the middle of the table and flipped over the top card. She placed the card beside the deck to start the game. The card she had set down was a yellow five. Zane’s eyes scanned over his cards and pulled a card, putting down a yellow eight. Salena placed down a yellow one. Enzo placed down a yellow reverse card. Salena glanced at enzo before placing down a yellow zero. Zane’s lips moved into a smirk and he placed down a yellow plus two. Sebastian scoffed and glared at zaneas he picked up two cards.
Sebastian- I see how it is zane.
Ashley placed down a yellow nine. I glanced over all my cards to see what was the best card to put down. I only have one yellow, I put down a yellow three. Enzo sighed and picked up a card from the deck. Salena picked up a card from the deck as well. Zane put down a yellow six. Sebastian put down a yellow seven. Ashley put down a yellow three. I hummed and picked up a card from the deck, it was a wild card. Enzo and salena once again picked up a card from the deck. Zane put down a yellow two. Sebastian put down a yellow reverse card. Zane put down a yellow nine. Salena picked up another card from the deck. Enzo put down a blue nine. I put down a blue four. Ashley put down a wildcard.
Ashley- yellow.
I groaned. Really? Yellow again? Sebastian put down a yellow eight. Zane picked up a card from the deck. Salena huffed and picked up another card from the deck. Enzo put down a green eight. I put down a green one. Ashley put down a green plus two and smirked at sebastian. He huffed and spoke as he picked up two cards. 
Sebastian- i thought we were supposed to be on the same team!
She laughed mischievously.
Ashley- no teams.
She playfully winked at him. Zane picked up a card.
Salena- finally!
She put down a green plus two.
Enzo- i don’t think so.
He put down a blue plus two.
Shizu- no!
I look through my cards but I don't see a plus two. I frowned and picked up four cards. 
Enzo- sorry~
He cooed, trying to stay in my good graces. I bumped him with my shoulder.
Shizu- no you are not.
Ashley put down another wild card.
Ashley- yellow.
Shizu- for fucks sake.
Sebastian put down a wild card.
Sebastian- green.
Ashley huffed and I smiled. Zane put down a wild plus four card.
Zane- red.
Salena whined and picked up four cards. Enzo put down a red two. I put down a red reverse card. Enzo put down a red four. Salena put down a red eight. Zane put down a red three. Sebastian put down a red nine. Ashley picked up a red five and put it down. I put down a wild card.
Shizu- green.
Enzo put down a green two. Salena put down a green five. Zane put down a blue five and yelled out.
Zane- uno!
I huffed and Sebastian put down a blue eight. Ashley picked up a card from the deck. I put down a blue eight. Enzo put down a blue eight and spoke out.
Enzo- uno!
I sighed and salena put down a blue skip. Sebastian put down a blue three. Ashley picked up a card and placed down a blue plus two. I groaned and picked up two cards from the deck. Enzo threw a wild plus four card and yelled happily.
Enzo- i win!
I threw my cards down onto the table and crossed my arms, frowning.
Enzo- I'll make it up to you beautiful.
I huffed softly.
Shizu- you better.

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