chapter 4

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Shizu- zane stop! You're hurting me!
He continues chanting as everything goes black. I tiredly opened my eyes. It was dark, I could see the night sky outside the school window. My stomach was growling, i’m starving. I got up and began stumbling my way out of the school. What the hell did zane do to me? I walked out onto the city’s streets. There were people everywhere it was getting harder and harder to keep myself from collapsing from hunger. I stumbled into an ally.
???- miss, are you okay?
I collapsed against a wall, my legs too weak to hold myself up.
Shizu- h-help me.
He touched my shoulder.
???- what’s wrong? What can I do for you?
Shizu- i’m so hungry.
???- alright if you stay right here i can go get you something.
He began walking away but I grabbed his hand as my eyes glowed red and my fangs grew.
Shizu- not for human food, for you.
I jumped on him and dug my fangs into his neck. He collapsed to the ground and I drained all his blood. I sat up and sighed blissfully. God that seriously hit the spot. Now for revenge. I get up and walk to the house. I open the door and see Ashley and Sebastian sitting on the couch, watching a movie. They looked at me.
Ashley- what happened?
I closed the door behind me.
Shizu- what’s wrong? Never seen a bit of blood before?
Ashley- where were you?
Shizu- oh so zane never said anything?
I hissed.
Sebastian- no… he walked in and went straight to his room.
Shizu- is he still there?
They nodded.
Shizu- good.
I made my way to his room. I knocked on his door.
Zane- come in.
I opened his door.
Zane- shizu!
I closed his door behind me.
Shizu- what did you do to me?
Zane- i-i t-turned you into a vampire!
Shizu- why?!
I yelled angrily.
Shizu- was it because of what you said to me?! If i can’t have you, neither can he?!
He whimpered.
Zane- you weren’t supposed to survive…
I laughed.
Shizu- so you tried to kill me?!
I grabbed him by his throat and lifted him up off of the floor.
Shizu- i didn’t deserve this zane!
His hands went up to my hand, trying to break my grasp.
Shizu- you think you are stronger than me?! I don’t fucking think so!
I threw him across the room against his desk. He fell to the floor.
Zane- please, stop… I can try and undo it.
I scoffed.
Shizu- i’m loving my strength! I don’t want to be a normal weak girl ever again!
Nara and Zack burst into the room.
Nara- what’s going on?
I turned to them. They gasped in fear.
Zack- what happened to you?
I let out a soft laugh.
Shizu- zane turned me into a perfect monster.
I walked past them and gave zane a glare before walking out of the room. I walked into my room and stepped into my bathroom. There was dried blood around my nose and mouth. I looked at my shirt.
Shizu- shit I stained my shirt.
That poor innocent guy… i feel bad. He didn’t deserve to die. I got undressed and turned on the shower i take a nice hot shower. I stepped onto the warm tiled floor and stood in front of the mirror. My eyes were still red. Nara entered the bathroom. He looked at me but turned his gaze away and turned on the shower.
Shizu- talk to me…
Nara- what do you want me to say?
Shizu- i don’t know, just say something!
Nara- no…
That one word made me tear up.
Shizu- fine then! I’m leaving you!
He gripped his fist.
Nara- fine… i don’t care..
A tear slipped down my face.
Shizu- asshole.
I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. I grabbed all my stuff and went to the guest room and set up the room. I sat on my bed and curled up, letting my tears fall. I can’t believe him!! Soon enough without noticing… I drift off into sleep. I opened my eyes tiredly. I pushed myself out of bed and got dressed. I leave for school and take my seat in the back. I rested my head on my hand and stared out the window.
Mr.smith- hello students, today we have a new student. introduce yourself.
???- my name is lorenzo, you can call me enzo.
My eyes glanced at enzo. My heart stopped. His eyes were a dark brown as well as his hair color. His skin was tan and he was stunning. His face was a perfect shape. Holy shit. I scoffed at myself, why the hell am i moving on so quickly? I sigh and put my head down. I felt the guy sit at the desk beside me. When lunch arrived he tapped my shoulder. I turned to him.
Shizu- yeah?
Enzo- are you okay?
I nodded.
Shizu- yeah, i-i uh i’m just getting over a guy.
Enzo- what happened may i ask.
I nodded.
Shizu- he was afraid of me and was acting cold to me so i decided that things should end.
Enzo- that is no way to treat a girl.
I looked down
Shizu- it’s whatever…
Enzo- what’s your name?
I looked at him.
Shizu- I'm shizu nanase.
He smiled.
Enzo- well, how about we go out tonight?
I scoffed.
Shizu- to where?
Enzo- a club.
Shizu- what kind of club?
He let out a soft laugh.
Enzo- a party.
Shizu- oh! Um sure, i would love to. But are you sure we could get in?
He smiled once again.
Enzo- us vampires can get into any place we want.
My eyes widen.
Shizu- you’re a vampire too?!
He let out a soft laugh.
Enzo- i am.
Shizu- but your eyes? Aren’t they supposed to be red?
Enzo- they are, i’m just wearing contacts.
Shizu- oh! So about tonight?
Enzo- yeah?
Shizu- what time are you picking me up?
He hummed.
Enzo- is 8 good?

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