chapter 14

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Shizu- are you ready?
Ashley- yeah.
We walked downstairs to the main area and tried to find the pool. I sigh in frustration towards myself.
Shizu- why did we never ask where the pool is?
She shrugged.
Ashley- i have no clue.
My eyes landed on Jasper walking into the room with a big pile of papers neatly stacked in his arms.
Shizu- jasper!
My loud voice startled him causing him to jump slightly.
Jasper- miss shizu! You frightened me!
His eyes glanced too ashley.
Jasper- what can i do for you ladies?
I rubbed the back of my neck shyly.
Shizu- we uh kinda forgot to ask where the pool is.
Enzo jumped into the conversations causing me to squeak in surprise.
Enzo- i can take you to the pool!
He smiled at me, his hair shifted as he tilted his head. I gulped, softly blushing under his gaze.
Jasper- ah ah ah.
He cut in.
Jasper- salena wouldn’t be happy, take these and work on them.
Jasper put the stack into Enzo's arms. The papers rested against his chest and I couldn't help but feel jealous.
Enzo- come on jasper,
He whined, trying to object.
Enzo- just for a minute?
Enzo pushed and jasper let out a soft sigh in defeat.
Jasper- just one minute, i’ll be waiting right here for you.
Jasper took the papers out of Enzo's arms and held them.
Enzo- thank you.
Enzo smiled in delight and entangled his hand with mine.
Enzo- shall we go?
I nodded.
Shizu- yeah, i’m excited.
Enzo gleamed at me, that perfect smile shining towards me. I smiled in return, feeling completely happy as he led us down a hall toward two giant wooden doors. He let go of my hand and used both his hands and opened the doors. Heat and the smell of a pool filled the area around us. My eyes scanned over the room, big glass walls with the sun shining into the room, the pool was rather huge. Two males in the pool caught our attention, causing me to laugh. Zane and Sebastian were currently having a water fight. Enzo led me to an empty chair and I stood facing the chair.
Shizu- at this rate i’m surprised that jasper puts up with you.
I laughed softly. His hands slid to my hips as he rested his head onto my shoulder.
Enzo- that’s the fun part.
He laughed into my ear, sending chills through me. He tilted his head to kiss me, softly turning me around. I hummed against his lips and gently untied my robe. He pulled from the kiss and gently bit his lip. He was eyeing my body with no shame, he cleared his throat. He moved his eyes back to my face.
Enzo- you look really good.
His bottom lip gently grazed my ear, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I felt my face begin to heat up.
Shizu- i have a question.
I hummed softly into his ear, my hands gently playing with the bottom of his shirt. He softly groaned, clearly wanting more. I gently kissed his neck.
Enzo- what is it?
He muttered huskily. I hummed happily.
Shizu- well i’ve been missing your touch and your body against mine. So I was wondering if I could be in your room tonight?
He slid his tongue over his bottom lip and murmured in my ear.
Enzo- well if you put it that way, i’d love having you in my bed.
I bit my lip gently and pulled away from his ear. I placed my lips on his for a quick moment.
Shizu- i can’t wait.
He placed his lips on mine and held my lower body against him tightly. I hummed blissfully, enjoying the feeling of him. He pulled away after a moment.
Enzo- i need to go.
I pecked his lips and smiled.
Shizu- i’ll miss you.
He smiled happily towards me.
Enzo- i’ll miss you too.
He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I was looking directly into those eyes that keep me so lured in. there is nothing about him i can’t love. He pulled away from me and I watched him walk out of the room. I frowned as he left my sight.
Ashley- Jesus shi, you two are so crazy over each other.
I blushed.
Shizu- you think so?
She laughed.
Ashley- i know so..
I placed my robe onto the chair and walked towards the deep end of the pool. Once I got there I dived into the water. I swam up to the surface, coming face to face with sebastian. He was only inches away from my face. I puffed my cheeks out.
Shizu- what do you want?
He suddenly splashed water in my face, getting water in my eyes. I whined and glared at him.
Shizu- how dare you!
Sebastian- what are you going to do about it shorty?
I scoffed in disbelief and splashed him angrily.
Shizu- i’m not that short!!
My eyes moved too look past him and I see ash about to take off her robe.
Shizu- hey, look at ash.
I said still annoyed at him and he raised an eyebrow.
Sebastian- why?
I rolled my eyes at his words.
Shizu- just look at her.
Sebastian looked at me with a suspicious expression before turning to look at her. As his head turned too look, my eyes landed on his neck. I gulped, I can't tell what is wrong with me but I'm starving. I shouldn’t be, I had some blood last night. I looked away as I felt my breathing get uncontrollable and my stomach growled. I did my best to calm down and I looked back at Sebastian who had noticeably gulped as she took off her robe. That’s a good response, hopefully ash will get what she wants. Ashley made her way and sat down by the pool, not intending to get into the water just yet. Sebastian took notice of this and got out of the pool
Ashley- what are you doing?
She narrowed her eyes at him as he got closer, obviously suspicious of him. He smiled innocently at her.
Sebastian- nothing, why do you ask?
Ashley- i don’t trust you.
She glared as she stood up, beginning to move backwards away from him. He lunged forward and grabbed her waist, causing her to yell at him as he lifted her up.
Ashley- sebastian!! Put me down!
Sebastian laughed mischievously.
Sebastian- nope!
Ashley- i swear sebastian if you throw me in the pool i  will hit you!
He smirked playfully.
Sebastian- i guess it looks like i’m going to get hit.
She gasped and began squirming to get out of his grip/
Ashley- sebastian!
He went to throw her into the pool but she pulled him with her. They fell into the pool with a huge splash. They swam up to the surface of the water and Sebastian laughed happily. Ashley huffed at him.
Ashley- that’s what you get!
He laughed harder.
Sebastian- some water doesn’t hurt.
Ashley- i didn’ want to get in yet
He splashed her playfully.
Sebastian- too bad.
She splashed back and suddenly I was being dragged under the water by my feet. I screamed in surprise and water filled my lungs. I began kicking my legs in a panic, trying to grab the water like an idiot. I opened my eyes and saw zane. I yanked my feet from his grasp and went up for air  and coughed. I glared at zane as he came to the surface. I splashed him angrily and he laughed playfully.
Shizu- that’s not funny! You scared the living hell out of me!!
Zane- actually your dead.
I scoffed and glared at him for his comment.
Shizu- her har har.

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