Part 32

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Shizu- hello.

He turned towards seven beautiful people.

Kana- this is takuma ichi.

He gestured to a male with glasses. He actually pulled off those glasses quite nicely. I gestured my free hand out to him and he shook it.

Kana- this is aido hana.

He gestured to a blonde male and he offered his hand.

Aido- hello

Shizu- hey.

I placed my hand in his and shook it.

Kana- this is aka kain.

He gestured to a handsome guy. Holy hell he is stunning. He had black long hair that went to his eyes. A slender face. I offered my hand out towards him. He gently took my hand in his. He bowed down in front of me and kissed my hand. I felt my face heat up at the gesture. He looked up at me, causing my face to feel hotter.

Aka- it's a pleasure to meet you my lady.

Shizu- the pleasure is all mine

He stood up straight and let go of my hand. I leaned against Enzo a bit.

Kana- this is ruka souen.

He gestured to a beautiful girl with perfect white skin and long blonde hair.

Ruka- hello my lady.

Her voice was soft yet demanding.

Shizu- hello.

Kana- this is sen shikki.

A guy offered his hand out to me and I shook it.

Shizu- hello.

Kana- this is rima touya.

He gestured to yet another really beautiful girl.

Rima- Hey! It's so cool to meet you! Hopefully we can be friends!

I smiled brightly.

Shizu- it's great to meet you! I can't wait to be friends!

She leaned in and gave me a tight hug.

Kana- and lastly, this is may ren.

He gestured to a very respectful looking woman. She offered her hand out to me. I shook her hand.

May- a pleasure my lady.

Shizu- indeed it is.

The rest of the ball had passed and I had walked up to my room. I closed the door behind me and ditched my clothing, throwing it into the basket. I turned on my shower and washed my face. After I took a shower I changed into a tank top and shorts. It feels nice to get into some normal clothes. I really miss the feeling of being back at my old college.

Ashley- oh shi, i didn't know that you were here. I thought you would be with enzo.

Shizu- I wanted a night with my best friend.

Ashley- are you tired of enzo already?

I laughed and shook my head.

Shizu- i will never get tired of him, i just miss moments wearing normal clothes and hanging out with you.

Ashley- I feel it.

Shizu- sooo, wanna watch merlin till we fall asleep?

Ashley- is that even a question?

I laughed and we got into bed. I grabbed the tv remote and pulled up netflix, turning on merlin. Ashley got up and turned the light off, curling into the blankets with me. It didn't take long to completely pass out. I opened my eyes, the sounds of birds chirping was outside the doors to my balcony. I let out a yawn and I turned to look at Ashley, seeing her still sleeping soundly. I slid the blankets off of me and slid my legs to the side of the bed. I stood up and grabbed a smaller blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I walked over to the balcony doors and pushed the two doors open. I placed my arms on the cement railing, resting my upper body on my arms. I moved and sat down on a chair, enjoying the morning sun lighting up the land. I rested my head on the railing and without noticing I fell back to sleep. I woke up to someone picking me up in their arms. I muttered softly into the air.

Shizu- good morning baby.

I mumbled and placed my lips onto his. He pulled his mouth away from mine and I frowned, opening my eyes. My eyes widened as Jasper's face was inches away from mine.

Shizu- I am so sorry jasper! Please do not tell enzo!

Jasper- it was a mistake, it's a secret.

He set me down onto my feet.

Jasper- may i ask a question miss shizu?

Shizu- of course jasper.

Jasper- why were you resting outside?

I laughed softly to myself.

Shizu- i was enjoying the morning air and accidentally fell back to sleep.

He laughed softly at my words. I moved my right arm to hold my left elbow.

Jasper- do get dressed for the day miss shizu, and join us for breakfast.

I nodded my head, accepting his words.

Shizu- thank you for waking me up jasper.

Jasper- of course, it's part of my job. You are to be the future queen after all.

He teased a bit and I laughed.

Shizu- i must be getting dressed now.

I said, changing the subject. He laughed once again, his mouth was formed in a soft smile.

Jasper- enzo is waiting for you in the dining hall.

He bowed respectfully before exiting the room. I walked to my closet and undressed myself. I put on a pair of matching black bra and panties. I pulled on a long sleeved black turtleneck. I wiggled my hips side to side as I slid a short white skirt on. I tuck my shirt in. The skirt had a slit on the left thigh. I bent down and slid my feet into a pair of long black stockings, going mid thigh. I then put on a pair of black mid thigh heeled boots. I turned off the lights in my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I head down the stairs to the dining hall. I sat down next to Enzo at the table, making sure that my bare ass was not on the seat. Enzo smiled and kissed my cheek.

Enzo- good morning pumpkin.

My lips slid into a bright smile.

Shizu- good morning goupa.

His parents, melody and jax, entered the dining hall. They took a seat beside each other.

Melody- good morning everyone!

His mother said loudly and cheerfully.

Salena- good morning mom and dad.

Salena spoke calmly with a smile on her face.

Jax- good morning honey.

His father spoke just as calmly as salena. I can see that she takes after her dad while Enzo takes after their mother more. After breakfast had ended salena spoke up.

Salena- shizu, since you are soon to take my place as queen we have to get started showing you everything that you need to know. I made arrangements to leave for the wolf kingdom before lunch. We will be there for only three days.

Shizu- hang on a moment, we are leaving today?

I asked, surprised by the sudden information. I glanced at Enzo in worry, people really freak me out.


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