43- sunday, june 21

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Enzo- SHIZU!

Enzo's terrified face filled my vision before I blinked a few times. Suddenly Enzo was in my arms all over again, his blood covering my clothing and my hands. He looked so pale from the blood loss. I had to watch his eyes as the life left them. I sat up fast, my breathing was rapid. My hand was on my chest as my heart hurt. I was covered in a cold sweat and tears were falling down my face. I pulled my knees to my chest and began sobbing to myself. My door opened softly and I began pushing the tears off my face with my hands.

Jasper- shizu?

I sniffled.

Shizu- I'm here.

He flicked the light on and made his way towards me. He sat beside my legs on the bed.

Jasper- are you okay?

I nodded my head softly.

Shizu- I dreamt of enzo again.

His lips were formed into a sad frown, his eyebrows tilted in a look of worry. He took me into a hug. He rubbed the top of my head as I tiredly rested my head on his shoulder.

Jasper- i promise that the dreams will get better.

A tear slid down my cheek.

Shizu- I hope so.

He pulled from the hug and rubbed my shoulder.

Jasper- just put your mind past it.

He gave me a comforting smile. I nodded my head and looked into his eyes.

Jasper- okay.

He said quietly and stood up, leaving my proximity. He pushed the curtains to my room open, letting light fill the room. He pushed open the balcony doors, the sound of birds chirping filled my ears as a gentle breeze touched my skin.

Jasper- now if you excuse me.

He exited the room and I continued to look outside. After a moment I moved myself out of bed and slid my feet into my slippers. I walked to my bathroom and pushed open the door. I washed my face and patted it dry with a towel. I did my make up and brushed my hair. I walked across my room and right back into my closet. I chose a floor length blue dress that had a ring of flowers around my waist. The sleeves were long and were cut all the way down the sleeve. I slid on light blue flats and I adjusted my hair. I left my closet and made my way to my bedroom door. I let out a deep shaky breath. Breath shizu deep breaths just get through the day so you can go spend time with kain. I turned the knob and opened the door. I made my way downstairs and to the dinning hall. Laughing filled my ears as everyone was joking around. I peeked around the corner and everyone went silent at the sight of me. I took my seat beside Enzo's and sat my hands on my lap.

Salena- you look lovely shizu.

I pushed a smile onto my face.

Shizu- thank you sister.

That didn't help the tenseness in the air.

Zane- so shizu,

I turned my head to my friend.

Shizu- yes?

Zane- me, ashley, and sebastian decided we want to become vampires.

I nodded my head.

Shizu- that is wonderful news.

I spoke glumly.

I ate in silence as the others spoke to each other. I drank a lot and I mean a lot of blood during that time. I was starving. When I was finished I left and did my duties as queen with jasper for the day. When I finally returned to my room I changed into my uniform and happily left for school. I walked towards the moon dorm and made my way inside. It was always so dark inside.

Kain- there you are.

I turned around and smiled as I saw my new found friend.

Shizu- thank god, it was so hard to get through the day.

Kain- let's go to my room and relax before classes.

I nodded my head and I watched as he stood. I took note of his black jeans and button down black shirt. He led me up the stairs and off to his room.

Shizu- wow this place is really big.

He closed his door behind us and man. It felt so nice to see a normal bedroom.

Shizu- may i?

I asked as I gestured towards the bed.

He nodded his head.

Kain- yeah, of course. Go ahead.

I plopped myself onto my back on his bed.

Shizu- your room looks like heaven to me.

He laughed and sat on a couch across from his bed.

Kain- why do you say that?

I let out a comfortable sigh.

Shizu- that castle is hell.

I stared up at his ceiling, enjoying the comfort of his bed.

Kain- what do you mean it's hell?

I turned on my side and patted the bed beside me. He pushed himself up onto his feet and laid down on the bed beside me.

Shizu- constantly wearing dresses and being around royals. I wasn't raised that way, hell i lived a completely different life 5 weeks ago. I was free, going to college, making mistakes. I didn't care about impressing someone. I could wear pants and be so happy. I miss seeing a normal room. I don't have to be reminded that someone I married died here.

He gave me a comforting smile.

Kain- you gave so much to be with him and he died so you're stuck in this life. I'm here for you and my room is your room. I don't mind.

I smiled genuinely and a tear slid down my face. I closed my eyes and after a while my exhaustion caught up and I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes I could feel the warmth of another body. I looked up to see Enzo's sleeping face. I smiled and watched him sleep, loving his handsome features. I gently placed my lips onto his and his eyes fluttered open. Fear completely filled me as I saw his gorgeous eyes were cold and lifeless. The complete opposite of the eyes I love so much. Blood trickled down his mouth onto my clothing.

Shizu- enzo!

A/N- sorry for the short chapter!!

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