2020-multiship (plus like Haus of Edwards)

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Hi guys! So um...this is the final chapter for this book, I don't have much to say before I start so...just a general TW. Enjoy!

Aquaria's Apartment
(Aquaria's POV)
I sit on my windowsill staring across the small alley that separates our apartment building from the next. The girl who lives across from me waves, I don't wave back. She frowns and walks over to her desk, she pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing on it. Then she comes back to her window and holds it up.
R U ok?
I shrug, and her frown deepens. She pulls open her window and leans her head out. I open mine so I can hear what she's saying.
"What's wrong?" She asks, I shrug again.
"Everything? It just feels like the world is falling apart. It's almost as if someone took everything that everyone cared about and decided to burn it all. Everything's tumbling down and there's nothing I can do to stop it."
"Aquaria..." Briana murmurs.
"There's nothing I can do so I just have to sit back and watch it all play out." I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes as I speak. Briana reaches to me and I hold my hand out. But we can't reach, there's just an inch between.

The Edward's House
(Alyssa's POV)
"Plastique? Are you crying?" I ask knocking on my daughters door.
"No, I'm not." Is the choked response I receive.
"It's alright darling, you're allowed to cry."
"I'm not crying mama!" She says a bit more forcefully.
"Plastique, come out, you need to spend time with your family." I say gently.
"Go away mama! I don't want to talk to you! You can't f*cking help me! This isn't your business!" I sigh softly but walk away from Plastiques room, I hear the broken sobbing from behind the door. It was all easier when she was younger, when she only cried because she cut her knee or Shangela took her toy. I don't know how to calm her when she's crying because of the world we live in now, I don't know how to calm her when she's just seen a video of a little boy get pepper sprayed, I don't know how to calm her when she's been cut off from all her friends. I don't know how to help her now that she's all torn up by reality.

Blair's Bedroom
(Blair's POV)
"Kam? What's wrong?" I ask softly, Kameron's lower lip is trembling, I've never seen Kameron this close to tears.
"I give up Blair..." She whispers, I look up at my phone, shocked at her words. "Kameron..." I start.
"I can't do this, I hate not being able to make everything better. This isn't something I can be in control of and it's scaring me. Anything I do feels like too little, I can't fix anything and it's all too much. It feels like I'm in my very own prison." Tears are streaming down Kameron's face as she speaks.
"Kam, babe I'm sorry."
"Blair it feels like the walls are closing in on me, I'm suffocating in my own house, the windows are open but there's no air. I'm dying here Blair, I can't do this."
"Kameron I...I want to help you, I really do, I wish there was something I could do." Kameron is only a few blocks away, but those few blocks feel like a thousand years and a thousand miles.

Jaida's Front Porch
(Jaida's POV)
"Jaida? Where are you going? It's so early to go back in..." Nicky says, sounding a bit confused.
"It's early for you, but it's 7pm, curfew, I can't be out here anymore." I say softly.
"But it's just your front porch? Not like the police will do anything just because you're out on your front porch."
"No Nicky, they won't do anything to you for being on your front porch. But it's after curfew which means police can do anything they'd like, and with our police I can almost promise that you won't be the one getting in trouble." Nicky frowns, angry tears are swelling in my eyes.
"Jaida...please don't cry." I walk into my house and slam the door behind me. I sink to the floor placing my head in my hands, f*ck the world, I can't deal with this anymore. I can't deal with any of it anymore.

A year and a half  later, once all stay at home orders have been lifted completely

Aquaria's Apartment
(Aquaria's POV)
I hold up a sign to my window.
Come over please
Briana smiles and nods. She starts towards her bedroom door, I see her pause and reach for a mask from the small pile on her desk. Then she looks up as if remembering all of that is over, she withdraws her hand and leaves her room. A minute or two later the doorman has let her up and she's in my room sitting on my bed with me. She's talking animatedly about a tv show she's just watched. I just look at her lips move, I look at the way there's a slight indentation on my bed from where she's sitting, I look at the small distance between us, not 6 feet anymore. All I can think about is that she's really here, mask free and happy. I reach out my hand and she takes it, the inch that was always between us gone now.

The Edward's House
(Alyssa's POV)
I watch as my youngest daughter rambles on about something she and her friend did today. She's smiling and using her hands as she speaks. The girl who sobbed alone in her room is nothing more than a distant memory now. I rub my arm thoughtlessly, touching the place where I got the corona vaccine.
"Mama? Did you hear what I said?" Plastique asks, breaking my train of thought.
"No I'm sorry darling, could you repeat yourself?" Plastique giggles.
"Can Ariel sleepover tonight? Please?" I chuckle at nod.
"Yes, Ariel's always welcome here." I'm happy that I'm able to say those words again. It's been more than a year since Plastique has been able to have friends stay over. Plastique smiles and pulls out her phone to text Ariel. I hear laughing upstairs and then Gia and Laganja come down, giggling and shoving at each other. All of last years tears and meltdowns are barely thoughts now and I couldn't be happier. The reality that tore apart last year is finally stitching itself back together.

Blair's Bedroom
(Blair's POV)
I scroll absentmindedly through Instagram with my head in Kameron's lap. She plays with my hair and tells me  a story someone told her.
"Kam?" I ask softly. She looks down at me.
"Yes love?"
"Last year was the worst of it right? It's all going to stop now? No more apocalypse?" Kameron chuckles and pulls me up to a sitting position.
"Yes sweetheart, last year was the worst of it, the world is putting itself back together, you don't have to worry about it anymore." I smile contentedly and rest my head on Kameron's shoulder.
"Good, I never want the world to break apart like that again."
"I don't either, I don't know what I would do if you were taken away from me again." I turn my head to press a gentle kiss to Kameron's lips. When I pull away I smile at her.
"I'm not going anywhere babe." And it's true. The thousand years and thousand miles that used to be between us are gone now, and they're not going to come back.

At a peaceful protest.
(Jaida's POV)
I smile to myself, nothing is fixed yet, but we're starting to get there. People are starting to take notice. Nicky reaches out and holds my hand tightly in hers.
"It's changing Jaida, the world is finally changing." I nod.
"It is, and we're helping to speed that change along." Nicky nods and turns back to the person speaking at the front of the crowds. I give her hand a gentle squeeze. Everything's finally changing, the world is finally turning into the livable place it always should have been.

1370 words
I hope you guys liked it! I can't even put into words how much fun I had writing this book. Thank you so much to everyone who read this, it really means the world to me.
A few particular people I'd like to thank:
rpdr_beauty thank you for all the prompts you sent me, you're the besttttt
AchairDelano69 your annoying ass in the comments never failed to make me smile, so thanks
And then there are so many others that it would take a million years to list everyone I'd like to thank. So um...THANK YOU ALLLLLLLL

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