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Hi guys! So today I'm writing some random Pearlet stuff. No TW. Enjoy!

(Pearl's POV)
"Hi angel," I mumble as I press my face into Violet's hair.
"Hi Pearlie." Vi mumbles turning into me and wrapping her arms around my neck, "up." She says softly. I pick her up and settle her on my hip.
"How are you today princess?" I ask, playing with Violet's hair.
"Sleepy and bored." Vi whines.
"Why are you bored baby?" I say.
"I finished my tearaway so I have nothing to do."
"Why don't you work on the nude illusion part?"
" won't be wearing one?" Violet mumbles. I quickly set her down.
"....excuse me?" I say looking at her shocked.
"I'm just going to tuck and put on the tearaway..."
"Vi...." I say slowly, "Do you... are you.... but what if...."
"Pearlie it'll be fine." Violet says looking up at me.
"I just don't want everyone who watches the show to....I mean there are so many weirdos who might....if you..."
"Pearl, doll, are jealous?" Violet asks smirking.
"I'm not...I just don't want other people to see you in that-oh wow maybe I am jealous...."
"Pearl, it'll be fine, everyone knows that me and you are a thing. Everything will be fine."
"But what if....." I say nervously, thinking about all the creepy jerks who could be watching her.
"Pearl, Nothing is going to happen. Now, up? You put me down after I mentioned not wearing a nude illusion." I sigh softly and pick Violet up
"Sorry Princess, I know you don't like when I put you down without warning." Violet nuzzles into my neck.
"Pearl I'm sleepy." Violet mumbles.
"Then take a nap, I'll hold you." Violet closes her eyes. She balls my T-shirt in her fist, her legs are wrapped tight around my waist.
"Sleep well princess."

After the runway

"Hey Vi? Do you Maybe wanna throw on a robe?" I say it trying to sound nonchalant but also being extremely desperate for the other girls to see her nude as little as possible.
"I'm not cold or anything though..." Violet says, annoyed.
"Violet please put on a robe." Violet frowns and grabs one, rolling her eyes at me before walking over.
"I don't see why you're so nervous." Violet says sounding beyond irritated, "I'm just friends with everyone here."
"I know Violet I trust you, it's just with this, I don't exactly trust Fame. She's been sorta touchy with like everyone and you know..."
"You're being stupid Pearl, Fame's my friend, she wouldn't do anything, it doesn't matter." I frown at Violet.
"You're being a brat right now. I only want what's best for you." Violet looks like she wants to punch me and Kandy steps in between us.
"Pearl come here I need to talk to you for a minute." I go with Kandy to a corner of the lounge.
"What is it?" I ask, a bit miffed that Kandy pulled me away from Violet.
"Violet's in a bad mood because she's upset with Michelle. Michelle said something about Violet's body not being feminine enough and it kinda got to her. If she was acting bratty that's probably why."
"Oh sh*t I feel so bad now. Thanks for telling me." I say quickly. Kandy nods and I hurry back over to Violet. Now she's wearing a pair of loose sweatpants.
"Here to yell at me some more for not covering up?" Violet says angrily, "well look! I did, happy?"
"Princess, Kandy told me what Michelle said. Are you alright?" Violet shakes her head no.
"Up." She whimpers, extending her hands towards me. I scoop her into my arms and she settles on my hip her head in it's usual position.
"Michelle's full of sh*t." Violet mumbles a few tears sliding down her cheeks and hitting my nude illusion.
"Angel don't cry. She was just being dumb."
"I just don't get it! It was a stupid thing for her to comment on! If it had been a valid critique I wouldn't be upset." Violet whines looking up at me her eyes big and shiny with tears.
"Angel I know, please don't cry. Just ignore her. I mean, you did so well, she was probably just trying to find something wrong with it."
"I guess..." Violet mumbles.
"I'm sorry for being such a jerk about the robe thing. It was really dumb of me."
"I'm sorry I was being such a brat, I guess I should have told you why I was upset."
"I love you."
"I love you more."

767 words
I hope you guys liked it! The ending was weird and rushed but we don't need to talk about that. Anyway, please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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