Too much-SashaxValentina

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Hi guys! So today I'm going to be trying out a new ship that was requested by uwusunflower TW: mild panic. Enjoy!

(Sasha's POV)
"It'" I hear Valentina stutter, I glance over and see that's she's talking to Eureka. Something is clearly bothering her, as her eyes dart around the room nervously. "Can you please just... I don't want..." Eureka clearly isn't taking the hint that Valentina is nervous and seems to be pressuring her to speak. I stand up pushing my chair away from my makeup station and walk over.
"Sorry to interrupt, I just need to talk to Valentina for a second." I rest my hand on Valentina's shoulder and she looks back quickly her eyes wide and frightened. I gently take her hand and lead her a bit away from Eureka.
"You doing alright Val?" I ask softly, she just shakes her head and I can see that she's blinking back tears.
"'t...i need to leave..." She whispers. I nod and look over at Eureka, who's tapping her foot impatiently waiting for Valentina to come back over.
"Here come on, this way Val." I say, leading Valentina out of the werkroom much to the annoyance of everyone working on set. Valentina's breathing is becoming more and more fast paced as we walk. "Valentina I need you to try and calm a bit, please." Valentina tightens her grip on my hand and stops walking. I turn back to look at her and see that almost all the color has drained from her face.
"Sasha I..." Valentina's words trail off quickly. She seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet so I quickly step a bit closer to her.
"Valentina, can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask softly. She shakes her head tears starting to fall down her cheeks.
"Can't do this...I can't do all of this anymore." She gestures helplessly around the set her eyes streaming. "This is too much and I can't do it anymore." I just reach out to her and hug her, she falls into my arms sobbing. "Sasha it's too hard, I can't breathe here, I can't do this anymore, I need to go home." I play with Valentina's hair gently as she cries. Once she's calmed a bit I pull away from her slightly.
"You alright now babe?" I ask gently, she nods her eyes still a bit watery.
"I guess I just wanted someone to tell, i feel a bit better now." Valentina mumbles. I kiss her forehead once before leaning back and wiping some of the leftover tears off her cheek.
"Hey Val? Can you do me a favor?" She looks up at me and nods, "Next time you feel like that please tell me alright? I always want to be able to help you, i always want to me able to make things better for you but I can't do that if I don't know what's going on."
"I'll tell you next time," She says softly.
"Are you ready to go back to the werkroom now?" I ask her. She nods hesitantly, "Is there anything else you need before we go back?"
"Can I...can I have one more hug? Please?" I smile and hug her tightly. After a moment I kiss her cheek and pull away. "We can go back now." She mumbles.
"Remember, you can always tell me."

570 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it's shorter than usual so I'm super sorry about that. But please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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