I love you-JackiexNicky

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Hi guys! So I'm going to write some JackiexNicky cause like....I dunno I want to. No TW. Enjoy!

(Nicky's POV)
"You know, people have been saying we'd make a cute couple, like online and stuff." I say trying to fix my lipstick in the mirror. Jackie is quiet for a minute before responding.
"Haha, that's cute, can you imagine? As if." I can feel my face fall but still force a laugh.
"Yeah, as if." Me and Jackie are both quiet for a minute and awkwardness settles into the empty space. I finish up my makeup quickly, hoping that Jackie will say something to break the silence. I stand up pushing my chair away from the mirror.
"I'm going to go get dressed, be right back." I say softly, trying to keep my voice from breaking. Jackie grabs my arm.
"Wait, Nicky are you okay? You sound upset." I try to smile but the tears in my eyes give me away.
"I'm f-fine J-Jackie, w-why w-wouldn't I b-be f-fine?" Jackie pulls me back to my seat beside her.
"You're crying love." Jackie points out.
"It's j-j-just f-from m-my c-c-contacts." I mumble trying to figure out excuses quickly.
"Nicky, love, you haven't put your contacts in yet." Stupid, stupid choice Nicky.
"I'm f-fine J-Jackie, j-just l-leave it a-alone."
"I want to know why you're crying, then I'll leave you alone." I can feel everything inside me start to break.
"B-B-Because I l-l-love y-you o-okay! I f-f*cking l-love you!" I sob, "I l-l-love y-you and y-you d-don't f-f*cking f-f-feel the s-same way!" Jackie reaches out to me but I push her away.
"Nicky..." Jackie says softly.
"J-just s-stop! I'll l-leave y-you alone! P-please j-just d-don't tell a-anyone."
"Nicky." Jackie's voice is getting louder.
"I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't c-choose t-this!"
"Nicky!" I go silent. Jackie reaches out to me and this time I let her wind her arm around my waist, she pulls me onto her lap gently. "Nicky, baby, I love you too, I only made fun of us being a couple earlier cause I thought that's what you would want to hear. I love you Nicky." I can feel a blushy pink creeping up my face.
"D-do you r-r-really?" I whisper, searching Jackie's face for any hint that she might be lying.
"Yes Nicky, really."

(Jackie's POV)
A smile creeps onto Nicky's face as I pull her closer to me.
"P-promise t-this isn't a j-joke?" A little bit of uncertainty remains in Nicky's eyes.
"It's not a joke my love." I say. Nicky beams at me her eyes aglow with happiness. "I wouldn't joke about something like that."
"So....are we like a thing?" Nicky asks awkwardly. I smile down at her.
"Only if you want to be my love."

After their gig
Me and Nicky are getting out of drag and I can see that Nicky is exhausted.
"Nicky are you taking an Uber home?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"I was..." she cuts herself off with a yawn, "I was going to walk home."
"Nicky, baby, are you sure that's the best idea? You look exhausted love."
"I'll be fine, it's not far at all." Nicky says.
"Baby, do you want me to drive you? My cars right outside."
"I'll be fine." Nicky mumbles, I nod doubtfully.
"Okay love, I'm just going to go grab something, I'll be right back." Nicky nods tiredly and I walk out of the room. I return quickly and see that Nicky's fallen asleep on the small couch in the dressing room. I hurry over to her and carefully pull her into my arms.
"Hey baby." I whisper, hoping she'll wake up. She doesn't. I shake her shoulder gently and she fusses a bit batting my hand away before settling back against my chest. "Nicky," I coo, still hoping to wake her. She mumbles in her sleep and I give up. I set her down on the couch while I grab her jacket off the back of her chair. I carefully put it onto her before picking her back up.
"Jackie?" Nicky mumbles her eyes opening a bit.
"Do you want me to drive you home love? You can sleep if I do." Nicky nods before closing her eyes again. I carry her out to my car, gently setting her down in the passengers seat and securing the seatbelt over her. She fusses a bit, trying to reach for me when I set her down. "Just sleep baby. You're almost home." I go around to the other door on the car hopping in and pulling it shut behind me. Nicky is still fussing and reaching for me so I place my free hand on her lap. She calms a bit when I do this, falling back into her peaceful slumber. I drive back to her house, it's second nature for me by now. The amount of times that I've driven here late at night because Nicky has a night mare or wasn't feeling well is more than I can count. We pull up outside of her apartment building and I walk around to the passengers side. I open the door and pull her into my arms. She cuddles against me quickly her fingers knotting onto the zipper of my jacket. The doorman knows me by now, he just glanced at my face, then down at the passed out Nicky in my arms and lets me in. I walk into the elevator and press the button for Nicky's floor. As the elevator starts it's ascent, Nicky wakes up in my arms. "Hi baby." I coo down at her. She gives me a tired smile.
"Hi." Nicky whispers. The door pings open and I step out onto her floor. I walk briskly done the hallway to her door, where I set her down gently.
"Thought you had a key from when I was sick." Nicky mumbles as she searches through her pockets.
"I forgot it at home love, otherwise I wouldn't have set you down." Nicky locates the key and unlocks the door. Before going in she turns and looks up at me.
"Thank you." She whispers, "for everything."
"You're welcome baby. Goodnight."
"Night." Nicky whispers. She steps into her apartment and closes the door behind her. I let the smile I've been trying to hold back spill across my features. Nicky's mine, all mine.

1115 words
I hope you guys liked it! Also this is random but wanted to say this cause I thought it was cute, on Nicky's livestream with Gigi, Nicky said she'd kaikai with Crystal and Gigi did not look happy about it. Anyway, by now you guys know the drill, please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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