Season 12-GigixCrystal

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Hi guys! So I've been working for too long on this chapter and for once I'm actually proud of something I'm posting *awkward peace signs cause I'm a bi disaster* alright so no TW. Enjoy!
(Gigi's POV)
"Wow...." I hear a voice say as I walk into the werk room. I quickly pose for the camera. Then I walk over to the table.
"Hi, I'm Gigi Goode." I say to the one queen in the room.
"You're beautiful-I mean, hi I'm Crystal Methyd." I laugh softly.
"It's nice to meet you, and thanks. I love this look on you." I say scanning her outfit.
"Thanks, what kind of drag do you do?"
"Well, I like to describe it as if Nina West and Plastique Tiara has a kid, then that kid got raised by like Trixie and Katya. Does that make sense?" Crystal nods.
"So you're like a comedy queen who can turn looks and act like a crazy person? And maybe talk about contact for seven hours?" I laugh and nod.
"That about sums it up." Crystal leans over to whisper into my ear.
"Don't tell them, but you're prettier than everyone you just mentioned." I smile.
"Thanks doll." Just as I say that another queen walks into the room. Crystal quickly pulls away from me. Me and Crystal exchange awkward looks the entire time queens are walking into the werk room. For some reason there's  tension between us that you could cut with a knife.

When they're getting out of drag
(Crystal's POV)
We're all getting out of drag and my eyes fall on the face of a person across the room from me. My mouth drops open when they turn so I can see their face. How the heck is it fair for someone to be that attractive?
"I-um-wow." I stutter. I can tell my face is completely red.
"Who you looking at?" Brita asks me, noticing how much I'm blushing.
"I... I think it's Gigi." Brita leans back so she can see.
"Oooh b*tch miss Gigi's hot." I pull Brita back.
"Nooo, don't be so obvious.... Gigi'll see." I whine, "I don't want her to notice. She'll think I'm weird." Brita laughs.
"You sounds like a f*cking high school girl right now Crystal." Brita laughs. Honestly, I can't disagree with her. I'm  acting like a lovesick 16 year old. Gigi walks over to the two of us. Brita nudges me gently and I quickly push her arm away.
"Looks like someone's coming to talk to you." She whispers to me. I bat her away as casually as possible, trying to act cool for Gigi .
"Hey, you're Crystal right?" Gigi asks. I nod quickly.
"Yeah." I pretend that I don't already know who she is, "You're Gigi?" She nods.
"How do you think you did in the mini challenge?" Gigi asks.
"Fine, I guess, what about you?"
"I didn't suck...that's honestly all I wanted for this photo shoot."

A few episodes later
"Hi angel." Gigi mumbles, coming up behind me in the werk room.
"Hi." I respond, not looking at her, trying to play hard to get.
"Crystal pay attention to meee." Gigi says wrapping her arms around me from the back. I quickly fail at my plan of being aloof. I turn into her chest. "Well that didn't take much." Gigi says, laughing softly.
"Oh hush." I mumble. Gigi tangles her fingers in my hair, playing gently with the curls.
"So why'd you wanna talk to me?" I ask. Gigi grins.
"You looked really cute love ." It's only then that I really notice the camera focused right on us.
"Um.....Gigi," I mumble, still holding onto her t-shirt, "The camera...." Gigi looks up and I can tell she doesn't want this filmed. She goes tense and her arms grow tighter around me. "Gigi?" I ask softly.
"Go talk to Brita for a few minutes kitten. I'll be right over." Gigi lets go of me and I reluctantly walk away from her. Brita smiles when she sees me walk over.
"How are you feeling Crystal?" Brita asks.
"I'm good. I think Gigi is yelling at production right now. She doesn't want me and her to be the next Branjie." Brita laughs.
"Why doesn't she wanna be like Branjie?"
"I don't know, probably because it'd suck if everything went south and everyone knew everything." Brita nods. I glance back to where Gigi and I just were. The cameraman has disappeared. I laugh softly when he see him over near a production assistant. He looks like a scolded child. Gigi comes over a pleased smile on her face. I don't ask what she's done, I think I can tell.

After the reading challenge
I'm at my sewing machine when someone, I assume Gigi, hugs me from behind. I don't turn into her even when her arms go around my shoulders.
"Kitten..." Gigi sighs.
"Your an *sshole." I mumble pushing her arms off.
"I'm sorry, I know it was too mean I just wasn't thinking." Gigi mumbles.
"I know you weren't thinking, I gathered that pretty quickly." I say coldly.
"I'm sorry love." Gigi whines, "Please forgive me. I'm sorry." I ignore her.

3 days later
It's been three days and I still haven't spoken to Gigi. When we walk into werk room the first thing I notice is how defeated she looks. There are bags under her eyes, her face is blotchy, and her eyes are red and puffy. I didn't know I was hurting her that bad. I didn't mean to do that to her. I never meant to make her so broken. I walk up to her at her station.
"Gigi?" I ask hesitantly. She turns and there are tears pooling in her eyes.
"Crystal." She says softly.
"I'm sorry." I whisper. The tears I can tell she's been holding back start to spill over her lashes. I reach up and wrap my arms around her. It's like a dam has been broken, she sobs brokenly her tears falling onto my shoulder. "Gigi I'm sorry. I never meant to do this to you. I'm so sorry." Gigi just cries. We stand like that for about 5 minutes. Then she pulls away. "Gigi..." I whisper.
"I love you." Gigi mumbles drying her eyes on her sleeve.
"I love you too Gigi. I'm sorry I hurt you."
"Just don't leave me. Please, don't leave me."

When they're  finding out who wins
"Good luck Gigi." I say softly, rolling up on my toes to kiss her.
"Good luck to you too kitten. I love you."
"I love you too." On the tv in front of us we see Ru's face pop up.
"The winner of Rupaul's Drag Race season 12 is.... Gigi Goode!" Gigi screams in shock. I throw my arms around her. Tears of joy start to slip down her cheeks. She wraps her arms around me, a look of pure happiness on her face.
"Congratulations!!" I squeal.
"Thanks." She says breathlessly, "I can't believe this is really happening."
"You deserve it babe. You've worked so hard for this."

1156 words
I hope you guys liked it! Yeah it's really long but someone (cough *cazofthetrash *cough) came up with a ship then I got carried away. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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