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Hi guys! So I'm trying this ship again, let's see how this goes. I'll be getting back to non season 12 stuff by Tuesday. No TW. Enjoy!

(Gigi's POV)
I unlock the door to my apartment, slipping inside quietly. It's really late and I'm hoping desperately that I don't wake Jan. She's super tired out and jet lagged right now because she just got back from a tour. Unfortunately when I'm closing the apartment door I hear soft footsteps and see Jan's small form walking out of our bedroom.
"Gigi?" She asks, rubbing one of her eyes tiredly, "Is that you?"
"Yeah, go back to bed sweetheart, I'll be there in a minute." Instead of going back into our room Jan waits patiently for me. I smile and take off my coat before walking over to her. I pick Jan up and she clings onto my shirt.
"Hi baby," I coo, looking down at her. She smiles sleepily. I carry her over to our bedroom and set her down gently on the bed. She makes grabby hands at me, pouting because I let go of her. "Just a second sweetheart, I just need to change into some pajamas." Jan's stops making grabby hands and now just looks upset.
"Gigi," Jan whines, "Come here." I chuckle, changing quickly into shorts and an oversized T-shirt.
"Jan, let me just change." Jan whimpers something that's almost words and shakes her head. "You're awfully needy tonight."
"You woke me up in the middle of the night and now you won't cuddle me, what else do you expect?" I shrug and walk over to the bed, I slip into bed beside Jan and she quickly cuddles up against me. I move my arm to turn off the light and Jan immediately looks up at me.
"I'm just turning off the overhead light, try to go to sleep." (a/n the people reading this at 4 am, that also goes for y'all, go to sleep) Jan closes her eyes, cuddling back into my chest. I kiss the top of her head gently and try to fall asleep as well.

The next morning
Apparently Jan's decided that she wants to wake me up by falling off the bed and starting to cry. I sit up and see that Jan has knotted herself in the sheets and fallen sideways off the bed. I climb out of bed and quickly unwrap the blankets. Jan motions that she wants to be picked up and I gently pull her into my arms. I start walking towards the kitchen so that I can start making breakfast. After a couple of minutes I set Jan down because I actually have to do some cooking. As soon as I set her down I notice something.
"Jan..." she looks up innocently, "What are you wearing?" She looks down as if suddenly realizing her current attire.
"Nothin..." She mumbles, crossing her arms across her chest. I laugh at her attempt to hide her outfit.
"Have you been wearing my clothes since last night?" I ask. Jan blushes profusely.
"Maybe..." She says, not making eye contact with me, "Don't be mad, they're comfortable." I laugh and kiss Jan's forehead gently.
"I'm not mad sweetheart, can you do me a favor really fast though?" Jan nods, smiling.
"Just go feed the fish really fast alright? Breakfast will be ready soon. Jan nods and walks in the direction of our living room. Honestly, I think I might have the best girlfriend in the world and that's not even an exaggeration.

595 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it was really bad but like, I can't write for some reason. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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