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Hi guys! So I wanted to get ahead of the crowd and write some season 12 stuff now, as in a week before it airs. No TW. Enjoy!

(Nicky's POV)
"Bonjour!" I say loudly as we walk into the werk room. Dahlia's gone home after last week, the werk room is already much quieter without her here. We all gather around a table. I quickly secure my place next to Jackie.
"Comment te sens-tu?" (How are you feeling) Jackie murmurs to me. I smile, looking over at her.
"Bein, et toi?" (Fine, and you?) I respond.
"Je suis nerveux mais excité." (I'm nervous but excited.)
"Y'all need to start talking in a language the rest of us can understand." Heidi says jokingly. I laugh, I guess she just doesn't get it. English is a f*cking hard language to speak.
"Sorry." Jackie chuckles. I just twiddle my thumbs and look down at the table.
"So anyway, what challenge to y'all want this week?" Widow asks. All around the table I hear one word, comedy. I frown, I'd rather it be anything else.
"What about you Nicky?" Jan asks, looking towards me.
"Um....I dunno, something runway based I guess." Aiden laughs behind her hand.
"Of course she wants runway, that's all she can do." She says to Brita. She's whispering but obviously intends for me to hear it. My face flushes an angry red. What the h*ll did I do to Aiden? Brita laughs looking at me.
"Are you okay Nicky?" Jackie murmurs to me holding my hand under the table.
"Bien, absolument bien" (fine, absolutely fine) I say through my teeth. Jackie rubs circles onto the back of my hand with her thumb. Brita is about to say something when I hear a familiar voice from across the room. We all gather around the tv as Ru gives us a message. We all stand there puzzling over what she could mean when the door at the top of the stairs opens. Ru and Kimora step out.
After the mini challenge, we'll say that Jan wins it

"For this weeks main challenge, you're all going to be redeeming the season 9 fairy tale runway." A/N I know this isn't a real challenge from the season The other queens laugh and I can feel a smile spreading across my face, a design challenge, just like I wanted.
"Each of you are going to get one of our characters." Kimora says, "And... um... good luck to whoever gets mine." We all laugh.
"Jan, as the winner of this challenge, you will get to decide who gets each character." Jan squeals in delight as Ru beckons her to the front of the room.
"Jan," I say, "I want Valentina's character." Jan laughs. This technique didn't work for Plastique, but maybe it'll work for me?
"Who are you going to give to Gigi Goode?" Ru asks looking at Jan.
"Lets do.... Vera." Gigi looks confused.
"Who?" She asks softly leaning down to talk to me. I pout.
"It's Valentina's character." Gigi nods ruffling my hair.
"Thanks." She whispers.
"Who are you going to give to Nicky doll?" Ru asks.
"Let's see," Jan says tapping her chin thoughtfully, "You can have....Farrah's character." I give Jan a reluctant thumbs up. I can make this work, definitely...I think.
When they're getting ready

"Est-ce que tu es nerveux?" (Are you nervous?) Jackie asks me. I give her a shaky smile.
"Un petit peu." (A little bit) I respond.
"Don't be." Jackie says, switching back to English, "You look beautiful."
"Merci." (Y'all probably know this but Thank you) I mumble.
"Always, you know at least you're going to do better than me. I got freakin banana lady." Jackie says looking distastefully at the garment she's created.
"It looks great." I say.
"Thanks." Jackie says as she turns back to the mirror. I do the same.
After the critiques

"Oh look they're here." Brita says as we walk into the untucked lounge, "How'd it go?" I say nothing just walking over to Jackie and sitting beside her.
"Jackie, j'ai peur." (Jackie, I'm scared.) I say. I don't try and whisper because I know most of the queens don't know what I'm saying anyway.
"Don't be scared Nicky," Jackie says taking my hand.
"You don't have any reason to be." Jan reminds me, "You're so obviously in the top."
"But what if...." I start.
"You'll be fine angel, it's all going to be fine." Jackie says taking my hand.
"Merci." I say holding tightly onto her.
"Toujours." (Always) She responds.

765 words
I hope you guys liked it! Don't trust my French it's all google translate (I know Spanish not French) What'd y'all think of this early chapter? Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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