Don't wait up-Farraja

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Hi guys! So ima write some Farraja cause idk what else to do. Also I'm using Tyra as pure evil in this chapter and I'm sorry about that. She obviously would never do the stuff I write in this chapter. TW: this is hella triggering, it's depressing and includes suicide. Please don't read this if it's going to mess with you.

(Aja's POV)
"Farrah?" I murmur, "Are you    alright? I know that it was a lot." Farrah's eyes are teary as she looks up at me.
"I g-g-guess I'm j-j-just surprised.... I d-didn't know she t-thought a-about m-me like that...." Farrah whispers. Her mascara runs down her face and she rubs her eyes. "I d-d-didn't...I just t-t-thought.... Why w-would she s-say that a-about me?" I stand up and walk around the table. I hug Farrah and she sobs into my neck.
"She was just being dumb Farrah. She doesn't actually think that about you." I say. Farrah and Tyra Sanchez just got into a huge fight online. Farrah said some things...Tyra said worse things. Things she can't take back. Things that are all over buzzfeed and reddit now. Things that made even Blair St Clair tweet angry responses.
"It w-was a j-joke...w-what I s-said w-was a joke... I w-w-what I s-said wasn't h-half as b-bad." Farrah stutters softly.
"I know you didn't mean to hurt her Farrah. What you said was nothing compared to the stuff she said.

A few months later

(Farrah's POV)
Tyra's words are still stuck in my head, her cruel anger. You f*cking sl*t. My phone lays abandoned on my bedside table. Why were you even born? The dms have stopped. No more people wishing me well, saying they hope I'm okay, that Tyra is wrong. No one wants you alive It hurts. It feels wrong. Why can't I be better? For gods sakes you're worthless. Why can't someone come and save me? I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to live in a waking nightmare anymore. Just make everyone's lives earlier, you know what to do.

"Farrah?" I head Aja call from downstairs, "Are you ready to head outside?"
"Yeah I'll be down in a minute!" I yell back at her. I pull my sleeves down over the cuts crisscrossing my arms. I hurry downstairs.

(Aja's POV)

Farrah runs downstairs with tear tracks visible on her face.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine..." she says. Her voice is all shaky and sad. That's how it always is now. Her eyes are still swirling with pain from Tyra. Some people have forgotten. I still get texts from Valentina and Manila checking in on her but that's about it. She got a couple of videos on YouTube. A bunch of people mad at Tyra on twitter and some sympathy. But that's it, people don't care after a month.
Me and Farrah leave the house walking down to the big bridge near our house.
"I'm going to take some pictures. Don't wait up." Farrah says I nod.
"I'll go and get a table at the diner up there." I say giving her a kiss before turning and walking down the street. I glance back at Farrah really quickly. She's standing on the edge of the bridge looking down at the water. I run towards to her. We make eye contact and she says something. The wind steals the words from her lips but I can tell what she's saying.
"Don't wait up." Then she leans forward teetering over swirling waters and 100 feet of air. One step forward and she's gone over the edge. I fall to the ground screaming in a pain worse then no other. Farrah.....she's gone. My Farrah is gone.

650 words
I'm sorry....I was just writing and this is what happened. I really do hope anyone whose mind goes to a place like this won't do what happens in this story. Someone will miss you, you're someone's world, you're here for a reason. And please, never act the way Tyra does in this story. What you say means something, your actions have effects, think before you speak.
Be safe, Penelope

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