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Hi guys! Today, I'm try a new ship, the time has come, for Bengela!!! Because there's like literally none on this app and it's an issue. No TW. Enjoy!

(Dela's POV)
"Don't  go!" Shangela says reaching out to me.
"I'm sorry bubba, I can't stay here. I need to go." I say standing near the door.
"N-no!" Shangela cries. My resolve weakens when I see the tears shining on Shangela's cheeks. I walk over and sit beside her on the bed.
"You know if I could I'd stay here, it's not like I want to leave. I'm not even allowed to be in your room." Shangela climbs up onto my lap, cuddling against me like she always does.
"Dela, I don't wanna be alone." Shangela whimpers, nuzzling into my neck.
"Love.... We're going to get in trouble if I stay. I need to be in my room when they do head count." Shangela looks up at me with her eyes big and glassy.
"Will you come back after they do head count?" She asks softly. I kiss her forehead gently.
"I'll try my very hardest, alright?" I murmur. A few more tears slip down Shangie's cheeks.
"Promise?" Shangela whispers.
"I promise." I say. I set her down on her bed and pull the comforter up to her chin. I start to walk towards the door when I hear Shangela make a small sound that sounds almost like my name.
"Angel? Do you need something before I leave?" I ask softly.
"You forgot my kisses." Shangela whispers. I smile to myself. I always give Shangela 4 kisses before I leave her, one on her forehead, one on each cheek and one on her lips.
"I'm sorry princess." I chuckle walking back over to her. I lean down and press gentle kisses onto her face. After I walk back to the door and leave.

After elimination the next day

"Shangela? Are you alright?" I ask softly. Shangela shakes her head tears streaming down her face.
"Y-y-you're leaving me." She sobs.
"I'm sorry bubba. I don't wanna leave you." I say hugging her gently to my chest.
"Then you shouldn't be doing what your doing! You're the one choosing to leave!" Shangela screams at me ripping herself out of my arms. As soon as the words are out of her mouth I can tell she regrets it. "I-I-I didn't m-mean that, I k-k-know why y-you're leaving, I-I'm j-just going to m-m-miss you."
"I know princess, I'm not mad. I hate leaving you. I just couldn't do this, all this with sending home your friends, I don't want all those consequences when I go home. I don't want to have to deal with all the people being mad and it just feels wrong. Sending my friends home feels all gross inside and I just can't do it anymore." A few tears of my own spill over my lashes tracing silvery paths down my face. I hear a voice call for me from another room.
"Bubba, I need to go, the car is here to take me back to the hotel." Shangela shakes her head quickly and grabs onto my arm.
"N-no! D-don't go!" I kiss her and take my arm away.
"I'm sorry angel, we'll be together again before you know it." I start to walk out of the room.
"Dela!" Shangela calls.
"What do you need princess?" I ask walking back over to her.
"You forgot my kisses."

590 words
I hope you guys liked it! What did we think of this ship? I found that there's a serious shortage of it. Alright anyway, please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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