Almost heaven-Trixya

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Hi guys! So I'm going to write some Trixya. Warning in advance, this isn't a ship I'm the best at writing. TW: Death, depressing language. Enjoy!

(Trixie's POV)
"Trixie don't leave, please don't leave. Don't go, please, I love you, don't go." Katya whispers tearfully. I hold her hand as tightly as I can.
"I'm sorry angel. I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry." I try to hold on. I fight to stay where I am. On this hospital bed, with the love of my life. I try to hold onto the pain, anything to stop me from drifting off.
"No, Trixie, you can do this, just hold on, just hold on." I try to do as she asks, I try so hard to stay grounded, but I can feel myself floating off. Stay, stay here with her, I think, even as the words run through my mind I slip further and further from reality. I look up and there's someone pulling my hand from Katya's. A young girl, too young to be in a hospital. Then I notice the wings.
"Come on Trixie, this way, you can leave all the pain behind now. Just through this door."
"No.... I don't want to go. I want to stay here. I don't want to leave."
"You have too, it's just through here. You'll be happy, I promise."

(Katya's POV)
"Please Trixie, please." I whisper as her eyes flutter shut. Then the heart monitor flat lines. "NOOOO!!! TRIXIE! DON'T GO! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!!" I scream in frustration,  "GOD DAMNIT!! WAKE UP! DON'T GO! DAMNIT DON'T DO THIS!" I sob falling over the body, "Please don't leave me. I love you, don't go, please..." she's gone, my Trixie is gone. I pull out my phone, still draped over her body, it's getting cold. I click on Violet's  number.
"Katya?" She asks, shouting over music.
"She's gone..." I sob, "Trixie's gone."

(Trixie's POV)
"I don't want to!" I yell at the small girl. She stumbles away.
"I'm sorry, I'm just a messenger, you've got to come with me, it's not my choice."
"No! No ! NO! I'm not leaving! I can't leave her! Please don't make me leave her!" The little girl grabs my hand.
"I promise you'll be happy if you come with me. It'll all be easier. It's just through this door. Please."

10 years later

Heaven's meant to make you happy. It's a paradise, at least that's what you're meant to say. It's the 10 year anniversary of my death. The 10 year anniversary of the day I left her. The little girl, the little messenger has come to check up on me.
"Hello Trixie."
"Hi." I mumble staring down at Katya, leaning my head over the edge of the cloud. Staring at Katya's new life, staring at Katya and Violet, staring at the ring on Violet's finger, staring at the rig that should have been mine.
"Heaven is meant to be painless isn't it?" I ask looking at the girl.
"Yes, I suppose it is." She responds, fluttering just above the cloud, before sitting beside me.
"Then why is this the most painful thing I've experienced?"
"I'm not sure. After 10 years people have usually figured it out." She says, seemingly thinking
"Figured out what?" I ask looking over at her.
"That it's easier to let your lover be happy than to obsess over what could have been."
"Shut up, you're just a little kid! You've never felt love! You have no idea what loss feels like! You don't know how this feels!" I scream, pushing the little girl away.
"You're right, I'm just a little kid. A little kid who's seen hundreds of thousands of deaths. A little kid who's had to pull screaming toddlers away from their parents. A little kid who's seen thousands of lights go out. A little kid who's seen more should have beens than you ever will. A little kid who starved to death because her parents didn't want her. But sure, you can tell me I don't know. You go right ahead and tell me I don't know how loss feels, tell me I'll never understand. Go right ahead." Then the little girl floats into the air and leaves. And I'm alone again. I look down at Katya and Violet again. I look at Katya's tears as she leaves a bundle of pink roses on my gravestone. I look at Violet's arms wrapped around her, trying to console her. Maybe the little girl was right. Maybe I should let Katya love Violet. But this heaven still isn't painless.
Almost heavens never are.

770 words
I hope you guys liked it! It's a bit different than what I normally write, what did you guys think? Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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