Welcome home-Crysti

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Hi guys! So I don't care in the slightest that it's too soon write more Crysti. I want to. TW: homophobia, panic.

(Crystal's POV)
"Mama, please let me stay. I don't understand what I did wrong. Mama it's still me, I'm still the same person."
"You're not, you are not my child. You're not the person I raised."
"Mama, no, please, let me stay here."
"Grab your things and get the f*ck out of my house."
"Leave, leave before I make you." I stumble away from the table where my mom is sitting. I run up the stairs grabbing my backpack and stuffing it with random clothes. After it's stuffed I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. I walk down the stairs my mom is still at the table a broken glass on the table in front of her from when she dropped it.
"Mama, please don't do this to me." I cry, trying one more time, "Please mommy, please let me stay here. Mommy I'm still your child." My mom looks up at me, her eyes are cold and hard.
"You are not my f*cking child. You're not the girl me and your father raised. Get the f*ck out of my house, I swear to god leave before I make you." I start to hyperventilate turning and walking out the door. I grab my phone out of my pocket and shakily click on Gigi's number.
"What do you want?" She asks coldly after picking up. Gigi and I got into a fight last week and have spoken since.
"I'm s-s-sorry, I k-know y-y-you're m-mad at m-m-me. B-B-But p-p-please G-Gigi I n-need, G-G-Gigi I n-n-need. I d-d-don't u-u-understand, I d-don't u-I-understand, i-it d-d-doesn't m-make s-s-sense."
"Crystal shhh, I'm going to come get you, can you tell me where you are?"
"I-I-I'm o-o-outside m-my h-h-house." I sob, my hand shaky so badly I almost drop my phone.
"Okay. I'm going to come get you Crystal, do you want me to stay on the phone or are you alright for me to hang up."
"D-d-don't g-go, p-p-please d-don't."
"Shhh, Crystal I'll stay on the line, shhh okay? I'm in the car Crystal, I'll be there in like two minutes. Just breathe okay? I'm going to be there soon." My entire body is shaking with the force of my sobs.
"I c-c-can't b-b-breathe, G-G-Gigi I c-c-can't b-breathe." I wail, I twist my fingers in the hem of my shirt trying to keep grip on something. I watch as a blue car pulls up, Gigi steps out hurrying over to me.
"Hey Crystal, what happened? Come here baby, can you tell me what happened?"
"M-M-My m-mom d-d-doesn't, s-s-she w-w-won't, s-she s-s-said I-I'm n-n-not a-allowed t-t-to l-live w-w-with h-her a-a-anymore, s-s-she s-said t-t-that I c-c-can't d-date a g-g-girl if I w-w-want t-to b-be h-h-her c-child." Gigi gently pulls me up into her arms allowing me to cry into her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, that's so terrible. Do you need somewhere to stay?" I just nod into her shoulder.
"You always have your side of the bed at my house baby. If you'd like to stay with us you're always welcome to."
"T-T-Thank y-you." I mumble against her.
"Do you wanna get in the car baby?" I nod letting her carry me over to the car. She pulls open the door and sets me down gently, kissing my forehead before closing the door and going around to the other door. She climbs in and takes my hand holding it tightly with her off hand as she drives. We pull up to her house and she lifts me out.
"Are you ready to go in baby?" I nod, resting my head on her shoulder. She bounces me gently in her arms as she walks up the front steps.
"Welcome home baby, welcome to your real home."

750 words
I hope you guys liked it! I'm not exactly happy with the way it turned out but I don't know....anyway please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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