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Hi guys! This isn't going to be very good, I'm currently absorbed in a discussion about hummus, Nicky Doll, Jan and cursing, (don't ask it's not my fault). No TW. Enjoy!

(Yvie's POV)
I hear a soft knock on my door, I slip out of bed and check the peephole. Scarlett is standing there, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. I pull open the door and she steps in hurriedly. I shut the door behind her, checking to make sure that none of the handlers saw her.
"Yvie, don't worry I was careful." Scarlett says tugging on my arm so that I'll pay attention to her. I look at her, smiling gently.
"I know you were careful love, I'm just making sure." Scarlett laughs and pulls me away from the door.
"It'll be fine Yvie." As soon as the words are out of her mouth I hear a harsh rapping on the door. We both freeze.
"Scarlett please go hide somewhere, don't let him see you or we'll both be disqualified." I whisper quickly. She nods and hurry's to hide. I go over to the door and pull it open, I see Vanessa's handler standing there looking beyond annoyed.
"Hi Mathew." I say trying to sound calm.
"Why isn't Scarlett in her room?" Mathew asks, his arms crossed across his chest.
"How would I know? I've hardly spoken to her." I try to act like I'm telling the truth, but let's be real I'm an awful liar.
"Yvie, Scarlett is literally the only person in the werkroom you do talk to. Now, where is she?" I shrug my shoulders again.
"Like I said earlier, I don't know!" Mathew rolls his eyes clearly not believing me.
"Well then , I'm sure you won't mind if I have a quick look around?" I frown but know that I do have to let him do what he wants. I step aside and he strips into the room making beeline for the closet. I want to try and stop him but if I do it'll  just make him more suspicious. He yanks open the door and I expect him to pull Scarlett out but he just glances around before shrugging and closing the door. Then Mathew pulls aside the curtains to my balcony almost as if he expects to see Scarlett just reclining in the chair out there, as if, we all know Scarlett hates being outside at night.
Mathew proceeds to make a fool of himself, even resorting to looking inside dressers for Scarlett. I laugh out loud when he checks the drawer in my bedside table.
"Scarlett is petite and everything but not that small." I say, rolling my eyes at Mathew. He straightens up and brushes off his pants, blushing profusely.
"That will be all Yvie, thank you." He starts out the door and I take a step towards my bed when he whirls around. "Scarlett!" He says loudly. I giggle when he realizes he's pointing at nothing. He blushes even more and leaves my room shitting the door behind him. I sit in silence for a few minutes when I hear a fit of giggling from under my bed. I pull aside the duvet and see that Scarlett is under the bed, her fingers covering her mouth as she laughs. I chuckle, standing up taking her hands to pull her out from under the bed. She holds her arms up to me and I laugh, picking her up carefully. I play with a lock of her hair gently while rocking her back and forth in my arms. Eventually she falls asleep and I set her down on my bed, while I change into pajamas. Once I'm changed I grab her pajamas from a drawer and walk over to the bed.
"Scarlie can you wake up for me baby?" Scarlett shakes her head and buries her face further into a pillow. I chuckle and carefully pull her up to a sitting position. "Arms up love." I say softly. She pouts but does as I ask, letting me help her out if her current outfit and into some pajamas. Then I put her clothes neatly on top of my dresser before climbing into bed. Scarlett cuddles close to me, I play with her hair while waiting for her to fall asleep. She eventually does and I close my eyes soon after. See when they tell you you're going to be sequestered in your rooms, they forget to mention that the people watching you are going to be complete idiots.

760 words
I hope you guys liked it! I'm sorry it wasn't very good but i have a fun chapter coming up tomorrow. Anyway please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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