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Hi guys! So this chapter feels really weird to write because I like worked it into an earlier chapter and told people I'd write it before I knew about Crystal and Gigi. No TW. Enjoy!

(Dahlia's POV)
Crystal❤️: I wanna go back to the bus
Crystal❤️: pleaseeee
Dahlia💙: we can't baby we've got to stay here.
I look up from my phone to see Nicky and Gigi walking out of the room together, Nicky looking near tears. Well, this dinner is off to a truly great start. I turn back to Jan who's talking animatedly about some queen she met a few days ago. My phone buzzes again and I quickly check it.
Crystal❤️: pleaseeeee
Dahlia💙: why?
Crystal❤️: cause like, I want to.
Dahlia💙: sorry, we can't just leave cause you want to
I watch as Nicky and Gigi walk back into the room, Nicky looks pale and sick.
"I'm going to take Nicky back to the bus you guys." Gigi says, the two of them are holding hands, Nicky holding onto Gigi like she's the last thing on earth.
"Why?" Crystal asks, "Is something wrong?" Nicky rubs at one of her eyes.
"I'm okay, I just want to go try to sleep it off." Jams and I exchange confused looks but when our entire table gets a glare from Gigi we all just switch to nodding. I watch as Nicky and Gigi walk out, we all catch a glimpse of Nicky getting picked up once they're outside of the main room.
"How much you wanna bet that they're not only leaving cause Nicky's sick?" Jan asks, I immediately catch what she means and laugh shaking my head.
"No she definitely is, Nicky and Gigi aren't those people. Besides, did you see Nicky's face? She didn't look like she was exactly in the mood." Jan chuckles softly.
"I guess, I still think I'm right." My phone buzzes yet again and I see another text from Crystal.
Crystal❤️: See! Gigi's letting Nicky leave!
Dahlia💙: Nicky doesn't feel well baby, you're fine.
Crystal❤️: how do you know? I could be dying right now
I glance up at Crystal and see that she's pouting but looks perfectly fine in all other aspects.
Dahlia💙: you're not though, Nicky looked like she was going to be sick, you look like you're going to steal Brita's desert
Crystal❤️: ugh
Crystal❤️: I wanna go backkkkkk
Dahlia💙: it's only another hour or two boo, you'll be fine
Crystal💙: 😑

A few hours later
Me and Crystal grab a taxi back to the bus. She's pouting at me leaning as far away as she can in the small car.
"I'm sorry, I know you wanted to leave." Crystal smiles. It's easy with her especially with small things, she'll usually forgive you if you apologize.
"It's fine. Now come here and give me a kiss." I chuckle and pull her onto my lap so she's straddling me. I kiss her tangling my fingers in her hair. Her fingernails dig into my shoulders. The cab driver coughs awkwardly.
"Sorry to interrupt, but um we're here." Crystal scrambles off of me her face turning red.
"God, I'm sorry, here," she pays him quickly with a generous tip. We go into the bus and quickly de-drag. Once we're both fully makeup free Crystal turns back to me, rolling onto her toes to kiss me. I pick her up so it's easier for her. Her arms hold tight around my neck. Suddenly I hear Jans voice as she enters the bus. I quickly set Crystal down. She's breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed pink.
"I'm going to, go to bed." She breathes out, walking back to her bunk.

(Crystal's POV)
I walk back towards my bunk, I sit down on the edge to brush my hair. Glancing up I see Nicky and Gigi curled up together on Gigi's bunk. I coo at the cuteness and pull out my phone to take a picture. Then I lay down my head to go to sleep, completely forgetting that my hair is a mess because of Dahlia.

About an hour later
I wake up and stumble out of bed down to Dahlias bunk. I sit on the edge of it and lightly shake her shoulder gently, knowing she's a light sleeper. Her eyes open and she looks up at me.
"Crystal it's the middle of the night, what do you need?"
"I had a nightmare." I whisper, it sounds childish now that I say it out loud.
"You had a nightmare?" Dahlia repeats my words. I realize this is the first time I've come to her about something like this.
"Don't make fun." I mumble. Dahlia sits up, gently pulling me into her lap.
"I wouldn't make fun of you boo. Do you want to tell me what it was about?" I shake my head slowly.
"Just wanted you." I say softly. Dahlia chuckles, gently kissing my forehead.
"That's very cute baby." Dahlia holds me for about 15 minutes before I shift to get off her lap. "You ready to go back to bed baby?" She asks. I nod hesitantly, wondering if I could ask.
"Dahlia...um...can I have..." I trail off.
"Do you want one of my T-shirts like you did when I was sick?" Dahlia asks softly. I nod, blushing. She smiles and digs through her suitcase pulling one out for me. I take it kissing her gently on the cheek as a way of saying thank you.
"Goodnight Dahlia." I whisper.
"Goodnight baby, sleep well." I walk back to my bunk, as soon as I get there I switch out my current T-shirt for Dahlia's as I'm getting into bed I see Gigi start to wake, pulling Nicky into her arms. I quickly pull the blankets over me faking asleep. I watch as she tucks Nicky in, then returns back to her bunk. I can feel myself slowly falling asleep for real.

The next morning
When I wake, I've sort of fallen out of bed. My legs are completely over one edge. I sit up rubbing my eyes and hear crying from another bunk. I stand up and walk down the hallway. When I see its Nicky crying I start to get worried. I bump into Dahlia as I'm walking.
"Why's Nicky crying?" I ask softly.
"She has a nightmare baby. She's also got a fever which you know, probably isn't helping the whole situation." I nod, watching as Gigi cradles Nicky rocking her back and forth in her arms. Jan emerges from her bunk looking sleep deprived as all hell. She looks between me and Dahlia and Nicky and Gigi with a look of absolute confusion on her face.
"How many freakin couples are there?" She exclaims.
Aiden sighs, "that's what I've been  asking since day 1. Also Brita, you owe me $20."

1142 words
I hope you guys liked it! From now on I probably won't be writing Gigi or Crystal with other people like unless I get a special request to, it just feels weird. Anyway, please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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