Not a heather-Rajila

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Hi guys! So you know how The Heathers were jerks on season 3? Well, what if they (or at least one of them,) felt bad about it? Now TW. Enjoy!

(Manila's POV)
"Manila! Come here! Stop hanging with those boogers!" I can see the hurt in Alexis's eyes when she hears Carmen's words.
"I'm sorry girl, I've gotta see what Carmen wants. You know I don't think of you as a booger." Alexis nods and turns away from me and I can tell she's genuinely upset and not just playing it up for the cameras. I walk over to Carmen and she smiles. I don't.
"What do you want? I need to work on my dress."
"Just wanted to save you from having to talk to Alexis, bring your stuff over here." I roll my eyes at Carmen.
"I was fine where I was, you know, you don't have to be mean to everyone that's not a Heather." Carmen frowns.
"What's wrong with you? You've been acting so weird the last couple of days. Whenever I say something you get so pissed about it."
"I just don't think you need to be so mean to people! You can not like someone, and whatever but don't be a jerk about it." Carmen turns away from me.
"Hey Raja? Can you come here?" Raja walks over and stands beside me slinging her arm around my shoulder.
"What's up?" She asks looking between me and Carmen.
"Carmen's being a b*tch." I say, at the same time Carmen says, "Manila doesn't want to be a Heather anymore."
"Wait what?" Raja says looking confused and shocked, "Manila, you don't want to be a Heather?" I can feel tears burn in my eyes.
"No, I do! I never said I didn't!" Carmen rolls her eyes dramatically.
"Manila only ever wants to hang out with boogers like Alexis and Yara." I shake my head quickly.
"No! No I do want to hang out with you guys! Well at least, I want to hang out with you and Delta. Maybe not Carmen." Raja looks at me then at Carmen then back again.
"Manila come with me for a second." Raja takes my hand and leads me to a corner of the werk room.
"Do you still want to be a part of this?" Raja asks looking down at me. I look down at my feet. A couple of tears spill over my lashes.
"I d-do! I r-really do. I j-just d-d-don't l-like  Carmen b-being so m-mean to anyone who's n-not a Heather. I j-just d-don't w-want it."  start to cry more, "They d-didn't d-do anything." Raja puts a finger to my lips shushing me.
"Take a breath Nila. Don't freak out about this, you'll be okay. Now, you want to be a Heather but you feel bad about being mean right?" I nod shaking a little bit.
"It's n-not fair that C-Carmen and you and D-Delta are so m-mean t-to them." Raja nods.
"I'm sorry. I'll try to stop, and I'll make Delta stop too."
"C-C-Carmen?" I ask nervously, she's the meanest, always.
"Well I can't control someone who isn't a Heather." I gasp looking up at Raja.
"N-not a Heather?" I whisper.
"Rule #1 of being in a clique, you can't make your friends cry."

571 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it's going up really early but I have a friend sleeping over and didn't want to postpone. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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