I don't want them (part 1) -Sashea

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Hi guys! So ima write some Sashea cause I'm basic. TW oof like literally everything. Enjoy!
Edit: switched this to sashea because aqua said she didn't wanna be included in fanfics

(Shea's POV)
I've always wondered what the real world is like. Not my sugar coated private school where everyone has to be friends. Where you call your teachers by their first names. Where there's no uniform but dresses that look like they're for toddlers are the norm.

I want to meet people who don't care, who's parents properly love them for being them and who couldn't care less if I'm gay or I'm straight.

So I'll find that place. I'll find those people. I won't stay here a single moment longer, I won't see another fake smile, hear another fake laugh. I can't I won't I'll just leave. And never ever look back.

(Sasha's POV)
As I climb onto the grayhound bus I see a girl dressed much too young for her own age. I find my seat and it's right next to her. She looks up at me and I see her big brown eyes. I ignore it at first but then realize something. I look back at the girl as I sit down and realize who it is.
"Shea? Is that you?" She jumps away looking terrified.
"How do you know my name?" She asks very quietly.
"Shea it's me! It's Sasha!" Realization dawns in her eyes before she throws her arms around me.
"I missed you! I missed you so much!" She says hugging me tightly.
"I missed you too Shea. Now why are you on a greyhound? Have your parents gotten less strict since last time I knew them?" Shea tears up and I quickly realize the situation, "oh Shea they don't even know you're here? But.... this bus is going halfway across the country..."
"I don't care! I don't want them! They're not my parents anymore! I don't want parents like them!" Shea has tears running down her face as I hurry to rub them away. I hug her close and she sobs brokenly. "I don't want them anymore. They're not my real parents and they never will be. (Ehh? Do you get it?) I don't want them, I don't want them, I don't want them." Shea murmurs into my chest. What have they done to her? What have her parents done to her?
"Don't cry Shea. Please don't cry. You don't have to want them. They don't have to be yours."

403 words
I hope you guys liked it! Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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