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Hi guys! So I'm returning to season 12 and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me. Magic au. No TW. Enjoy!

(Crystal's POV)
"Come here." I calls from our bedroom. Gigi giggles from the downstairs.
"I can't, I'm busy right now." I frown and make a pulling motion with my left hand. Gigi whines as she's tugged up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Crystal, no fair." She pouts as I pull her down to sit beside me on our bed.
"Why isn't it fair love? I'm just bringing you over to me." Gigi rolls her eyes.
"I'm bad at physical magic, it's cheating for you to use it against me."
"You've said it yourself, games aren't any fun unless you cheat." Gigi rolls her eyes but lets me pull her close to my chest. I kiss the top of her head gently as she plays with the button on my sleeve.
"What did you need when you called me in here?" Gigi asks, glancing up at me. I think for a minute before shrugging at her.
"I honestly don't remember so I doubt it was anything important." Gigi groans and hits my arm jokingly.
"You physically pulled me out of the kitchen and up the stairs for something you don't even remember?" I chuckle.
"Are you going to leave if I say yes?" I ask as I play with Gigi's hair. She nods at me grinning. "Then no." I say quickly. Gigi giggles and cuddles even closer to me.
"What's your reason then?" Gigi asks me, still fidgeting with the bottoms on my shirt.
"Um....I....It's getting late and you needed to come to bed?" Gigi laughs softly.
"It's not that late, it's what 11:00?" I roll my eyes and pull Gigi up so she's facing me.
"Princess, last time you stayed up in the kitchen past 11:30 I came down in the morning to you asleep with your face in a bowl of cake batter." Gigi blushes intensely.
"That...that was a isolated occasion."
"Let's just go to bed Gigi, go run and get changed into some pajamas." Gigi laughs softly and climbs off my lap going to get changed into nightclothes. When she returns I facepalm. "Let me clarify Gigi, I meant your pajamas, not mine." Gigi pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.
"No. Yours are more comfortable. I'm keeping these on." I laugh. Using my left hand I motion lifting her off the ground and into bed. She shrieks softly and frowns at me as I set her down on my lap. "That's not fair Crystal." She whines glaring at me. I chuckle and ruffle her hair. "Stop laughing at me! You're so mean!" Gigi looks away from me, a pout still pasted on her lips.
"I'm not laughing at you princess, your just really cute." Gigi still doesn't look at me. "I really am sorry love, please don't be mad." Gigi turns back to me.
"It's fine, can we go to sleep now?" I nod and gently shift Gigi off my lap so that she's laying beside me.
"Let me just turn off the lights really fast." I lift my hand to turn them off but Gigi quickly stops me.
"I wanna try tonight." Gigi sits up and raises her right hand.
"Other hand love." I whisper. She blushes and quickly switches hands. She closes her eyes and the lights flicker as she struggles to turn them off. I eventually wave my hand as discreetly as possible turning off the lights myself. "The lights are off princess, lie down." Gigi's eyes shoot open, she ignites a small fire in her palm.
"Did I actually do that?" I feel my face turn red as I nod. "You did it didn't you?" Gigi's eyes grow teary as she looks at me.
"Please don't cry princess, you got really close to getting them off." Gigi frowns looking down.
"Why can't I even turn off a stupid light? God I suck at magic." She mutters. She makes a fist around the flame in her hand causing it to go out.
"Don't say that love, you are good at magic. I mean, look at what you just did with the fire." She looks at her hand, reigniting it easily, "See?" She shakes her head.
"Great, I'm good at elemental magic, the easiest type of magic ever." I gently put my hand under her chin pushing her head up so she's looking at me.
"Love, who in the world told you elemental magic was easy? I can barely make a breeze." Gigi makes a soft noise of disagreement but I press my finger to her lips hushing her. "We all have different gifts princess, but that's a conversation for another day, for now, how about you put out that fire and we go to sleep." Gigi giggles and snuffs out the flame in her palm.
"Goodnight Crystal, I love you." She mumbles, cuddling up close to my chest. I kiss the top of her head gently.
"Goodnight Gigi, I love you too."

850 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it's not great sorry. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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