Just friends-Scyvie

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Hi guys! I'm realizing how many essential ships are missing from this book right now. So here is our first official Scyvie chapter. No TW. Enjoy!

(Scarlett's POV)
So here's the thing. Yvie and I aren't dating (no matter what Brooklyn says.) We're just really really close friends. That's why we hold hands all the time. That's why when I have nightmares I go to her. That's why I'm scared to be away from her. Not because we're dating, just because we're really really close friends.

(Yvie's POV)
"You'll be okay Scarlett." I murmur as she cries into my side, "it's only a few days." Ru decided to separate us queens into two groups for a few days and we're not allowed to see each other. They've separated all the obvious pairs, so Vanjie and Brooke are on different teams, Plastique and Ariel, and of course Scarlett and I.
"I d-don't want y-you t-to l-leave!" Scarlett whimpers.
"I know angel," I say, "I don't want to leave you. But I have to. I'll be back before you know it. I hear Ru call for me and I pull away from Scarlett.
"Yvie!" She cries.
"I'm sorry babydoll. I love you." Scarlett continues to cry and I watch Nina come and hug her.
Go! I see her mouth. I nod and turn away, a few tears of my own threatening to fall as I'm pulled away from Scarlett. I feel a small hand slip into my own and I look down to see Plastique. She glances up at me and I can see that her own face is streaked with tears.
"She'll be okay." She murmurs. I nod.
"Yeah she will." I give Plastique a small smile and she returns it half heartedly. "You will be too." I tell her, "You'll see Ariel soon."

(Scarlett's POV)
We're supposed to be doing some sort of a trust thing as a group but all I can do is think that Yvie won't be coming back for two more days. A few tears slide down my cheeks and Nina wraps an arm around me.
"Again with the waterworks." I hear Rajah sigh from across the room, "Can't you just act mature for 15 seconds? You're acting like such a needy brat." I feel more tears slip down my cheeks and Nina's arm tightens around me. Rajah's right, I'm acting like a baby. Suddenly I hear an angry voice across the room.
"Shut up Rajah!" Ariel yells, "Just because no one in the competition cares about you the way Scarlett cares about Yvje doesn't mean Scarlett is acting like a brat! (A/N grammar?) You didn't say anything when it was Vanjie crying, or me, only Scarlett. She hasn't done anything to anyone in this competition! What gives you the right to be a jerk to her?" Rajah looks mad then storms out of the room Aquaria style. Except, unlike Aquaria, no one calls after her, she doesn't have a Miz Cracker to run after her, or a Blair to hug her later. No one seems to care when she leaves.

Two days later.

I wait impatiently for Yvie to walk into the room. As soon as she does I throw myself into her arms. The rest of the world disappears as she spins me around.
"I missed you so much." I say clinging to her tightly.
"I missed you too." She murmurs. For some reason I don't know why. I roll up onto my toes and kiss her. She kisses back immediately.
"I never want to be away from you ever again." I mumble against her lips.
"Agreed." She says. Well, so much for being, just friends.

617 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it's unacceptable that I hadn't written Scyvie yet. But it's here now and there will be more in the future! *Insert evil fan girl laugh* you will never escape the Scyvie! Anyway please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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