Lockdown-Scyvie, Branjie, and Plariel

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Hi guys! So I've decided to be extra and try and incorporate three ships into 1 cohesive chapter. Also please imagine this takes place in the same universe as Quarantine. No TW. Enjoy!

(Ariel's POV)
Plastique bats my hand away letting out a soft whine of pain.
"Ariel you're pulling too hard! That hurts!" I sigh softly and unwind my fingers from her hair letting the half finished braid fall limply against her back. 
"Do you just have a low pain tolerance? I wasn't pulling that hard." Plastique makes a noise of indigence.
"I have a perfectly normal pain tolerance actually, you're just pulling to hard." I chuckle gently.
"I'm never going to understand how when Blair and Kameron do this they get cute footage for their Instagram stories but when anyone else does it, it's just painful." Plastique laughs softly and climbs up onto my lap, taking the tv remote from an end table. "What are we watching baby?"
"Normally I'd say project runway, but we have to watch the stupid broadcast."  I frown a bit at the mention of the broadcast. I don't want to watch it, I don't need someone to tell me not to leave the house.

(Brooke's POV)
"But why can't we have coffee cake right now?" Vanjie says looking annoyed. I roll my eyes.
"Because it's 11:30 at night and you're never going to sleep if you have sugar right now." Vanjie sticks out her lower lip, pulling a bratty pouting face.
"But I want sugar right now! Besides, sleep is overrated anyway."
"Um...no...it's not." I say getting aggravated with her, "And please, wipe that bratty expression off your face right now." Nessa sticks her tongue out at me childishly.
"Why should I?" She says crossing her arms over her chest. I can feel my face turning red with anger.
"Vanessa," I say my voice low, "Vanessa say that again I dare you." She shuffles back a few steps and opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
"Brooke I- don't..." her voice trails off nervously. I gently reach out and pull her towards me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not going to hurt you." Vanjie lets me pick her up, her arms immediately latching around my neck. I walk over to the couch, sitting down with her on my lap.
"Oh! Brookie, we've got to watch the broadcast!" I sigh at the thought but hand her the remote. I'd rather have Nessa not watch it because I know it'll freak her out but of course it's mandatory.

(Yvie's POV)
Scarlett calls my name from our bedroom. Her tone sounds upset so I hurry to her. When I get to our room I see that she's rolled herself in the blankets and seems to have fallen sideways off the bed. I start laughing at first but soon Scarlett lets out a soft sob which makes me stop immediately. I sink to my knees beside her and start to try and untangle her from the blankets.
"What's happening princess? Why are you crying?" I ask gently, as I attempt to free her limbs from the spiders web of sheets.
"My wrist." Scarlett cries.
"What about your wrist Scarlie? Is it trapped at a painful angle?" Scarlett nods tearfully.
"Hurts Yvie." She whimpers I carefully pull away another blanket leaving just one to get untangled. I finally see what Scarlett means about her wrist, it's pulled too far back, like anymore and I'd be surprised she's not screaming in pain. I quickly free her from the blankets and she cradled her wrist to her chest shaking slightly. Il about to propose that the two of us just go to bed when I remember something.
"Scarlett! We've got to watch the broadcast now!" Scarlett groans in frustration but nods and we walk into the living room, switching on the tv.

Time skip for all of them to after the broadcast.

(Ariel's POV)
Plastique is shaking, fidgeting with the ends of her hair nervously. I stand up and walk to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water. You need to calm down it's going to be fine I think to myself, shaking out my limbs trying to rid the feeling of dread from my body.
"Ariel? Are you okay?" Plastique asks softly, sticking her head into the kitchen. "
"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine! Perfectly fine! I just needed water!" Plastique walks over to me and hugs me.
"You don't seem like you're fine, the lockdown isn't going to be too bad I promise." I melt into Plastique's arms. She rolls up and her toes and kisses my cheek gently. "Here come on, let's just go to bed now." I let Plastique lead me to our bedroom and am in a half trance as we change into our pajamas and brush our teeth. Plastique pulls me down so I'm laying beside her.
"Goodnight Ariel," She says softly.
"Goodnight baby," I mumble, kissing her cheek gently.

(Brooke's POV)
Nessa had exactly the reaction I expected, a lot of tears. Vanjie is clinging to me tightly as I shift back and forth, rocking her gently.
"Brooke I'm scared." She cries into me.
"I know you're scared, we're all scared sweetheart." (I wrote this and was fully about to write Kendall K's full season two meltdown and yes, I have that memorized) Nessa is playing nervously with the collar of my sweatshirt.
"Brooke what's going to happen?" She asks softly. I think for a minute before responding.
"I don't know princess. I don't really think anyone knows. All I can tell you is that I'm going to make sure you're safe until the very end of this." I carry Vanjie back to our bedroom. I set her down on the bed and pull a throw blanket over her. I change into my pajamas and when I look over at her she's already asleep. I sigh softly, I should've known this would happen, crying always tires you out. I walk over to her and gently sit her up.
"No, Brookie stop." She whines.
"This'll only take a minute love, you just need to change into pajamas. Arms up please sweetheart." Nessa does as I ask and soon were both ready for bed. I climb into bed beside Vanjie who immediately adheres herself to my chest.
"Brooke what if the disease..." I kiss Nessa's forehead gently.
"I'll keep you safe princess."

(Yvie's POV)
When the broadcast told us about the lockdown I expected an immediate meltdown from Scarlett. What I didn't expect was the calmest table flip ever known to man. Scarlett simply stood, pushed the table over and walked out of the room. I carefully started cleaning up everything that had been thrown to the floor, placing them back where they belonged. When I was mostly done I heard soft crying from what I assume is our bedroom. I hurry to our room assuming she'll be sitting on the bed but the room is 100% empty. I still hear crying though and I realize she's out on the patio. I step outside, shaking slightly from the cold and see Scarlett sitting in one of the chairs her head on her hands. I walk over to Scarlett and crouch in front of her.
"Scarlie?" I ask softly.
"This doesn't happen, this doesn't happen in real life. Things like this aren't meant to happen." I sigh gently and stand up taking Scarlett's hand gently.
"I know baby, bit we'll get through this okay?"
"I promise, now come inside, you're going to catch a cold. Scarlett lets me lead her into the house. She rubs her eyes and yawns tiredly as we get ready for bed.
"Night Yvie." She mumbles, kissing me gently as we lie in bed.
"Goodnight Scarlett." I respond, smiling a bit into the kiss. If I'm going to be quarantined, at least it'll be with the best girlfriend in the world.

1330 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it's probably too many ships to incorporate into one chapter but these were all ships I needed to catch up on but know I never would have gotten around to. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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