Milkshakes and Movies-Blixen

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Hi guys! So I feel like I haven't written this ship in years (honestly it's been like 6 months) so this is a 1950s-ish au, imagine Blair as like a pretty rich girl and the vixen as a greaser. No TW. Enjoy!

(Blair's POV)
"Briana stop," I giggle pushing her away, "I like my hair the way it is." Briana pouts and crosses her arms in false annoyance.
"But, Blair! The yellow bow would look so cute!" I smile but shake my head.
"It doesn't go with my skirt anyway, I'm wearing blue so yellow in my hair won't work silly." Briana frowns, but nods accepting this fact.
"Oh! Blair, we're meant to be ready soon, Brooke is coming to pick us up for the drive in." I stand up quickly and run to my box of hair ribbons, I search through it quickly until I find the powder blue ribbon I got last year.
"Briana? Could you help me tie this in my hair?" Briana walks over, coming to stand behind me.
"Blair, why do you always wear this one to the movies? You've got the most hair ribbons out of any of us, but you only ever wear your blue one and your pink one." I shrug a bit as Bri ties the ribbon into my hair.
"They're the only ones I've ever been told look pretty." Briana's mouth drops open.
"No way Blair, I'm sure they all look beautiful on you." I shake my head.
"Thank you, that's awful kind, but also not really truthful." Briana opens her mouth to disagree when we hear a honking from outside. We quickly run down stairs, seeing Brooke's familiar blue mustang parked outside. I peck my mother in the cheek, quickly saying something along the lines of "we'll be back by midnight." My mother nods and I hurry after Bri to Brooke's car. We quickly climb in and Brooke starts  in the direct of the drive in.
"Do you think Vanessa will be there again?" Brooke asks, her eyes dreamy. Briana giggles.
"I'm sure she will, Blair, we might need to find another car to stay in." Brooke's cheeks turn pink but she does nothing to deny it. We get to the drive in and pay quickly, Brooke finds a place to park quickly before wandering off, she mumbles something about Vanessa but the wind steals most of the sound from her lips.
"I'm going to go find Aqua." Briana says softly, gesturing in the direction of Aqua's car. I nod and she leaves, then I realize something. Brooke's parked on the wrong side of the lot, she's parked on the greasers side. I pull my jacket tight round my shoulders and settle on the front of Brooke's car, trying to pay attention to the movie. One of the greasers from the wrong side of town comes up to me. He leans against the hood of the car, his dirty fingers leaving smudge marks on the car, Brooke's get mad.
"Hey pretty girl, you seem to be lost." He says, smiling darkly. His nasty grubby fingers are tracing circles onto the red paint of the car. Why hasn't he washed his hands?
"I'm not, not at all." I say shifting away from him slightly.
"Really? Cause you seem to have wandered into our side of the drive in."
"I'm not lost." I say again, toying with a wisp of hair that'd drifted away from my ponytail.
"You sure about that?" The boy puts his hand on my shoulder, "Because it certainly doesn't seem like,"
"Let her alone Charlie, go back to talking with Willy and his boys." The bo-Charlie shoots me one last look before walking away, his shoulders slouched and hands in his pockets. I look towards the person who helped me and see a girl wearing a black leather jacket with a white symbol on the neckline, Tom's gang then.
"Thank you," I say softly, shuddering at the thought of the boys hand on my shoulder.
"Of course, you shouldn't have to worry your pretty little head about people like him." I smile when she calls me pretty, finally making eye contact with her.
"Come watch the movie with me?" I asks softly, she smiles and walks over to me, leaning nonchalantly against the hood of the car. We stay in silence for a few minutes, both focused on the movie.
"Oh, I never did catch your name." She says looking over at me.
"Oh it's Blair, yours?"
"Vixen, this movies gotten awful boring, wanna get out of here?" I nod, allowing her to take my hand. "You good with motorcycles?" She asks. I pale slightly but nod. She leads me to the back of the drive in, pulling a motorcycle from the fence and climbing on. "Here get on behind me and hold tight." I do as she asks and she starts the motor cycle up, leaving the drive in quickly.
"Where are we going?" I ask over the roaring wind.
"How do you feel about milkshakes at the diner?" She asks, not loving her eyes from the road.
"That sounds lovely." I respond. We arrive at the diner quickly and she parks her motorcycle.
"Upsy-daisy." She says, laughing as she swings me off the motorcycle. I giggle as she sets me back on my feet. We walk into the diner and see it's mostly empty. The man who owns the diner smiles.
"There's my little rebel, the usual I assume?" Vixen nods, a wide smile on her face, "And for the little doll?" He asks looking to me.
"Just a strawberry milkshake please." I say, suddenly feeling awfully shy.
"Can I grab my normal booth?" Vixen asks looking at the man. He nods, grinning widely.
"Always miss." We slide into a booth towards the back of the diner.
"Well, milkshakes and movies, were rather cliche aren't we?" Vixen chuckles.

986 words
I hope you guys liked it! I know it was really different and to be honest I don't know how I feel about it. Please send requests. Kisses, bye!

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