Better Than Me - Jason x Reader

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Hello! It's good to see you all again...I'm sorry I've been M.I.A but life is real hectic cause school....that's all I have to say. Anyhow, requested by @Trxshhhh and uses prompt 15 "you deserve better than me.". Enjoy this....I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are. XOXO


Jason Todd Pov

It's somewhat early and she's fast asleep. To be honest, it doesn't bother me because I know there's been times she's laid awake at night unable to find sleep. She's lying on top of me, her head against my chest, her ear to my heart. I run my fingers through her hair and feel her body loosen slightly. She looks peaceful. I want nothing more than to curl up into the curve of her body, I pull the blanket up over her shoulder and hold her closer.

The first time I met her, I could tell just by the way she walked that she was insecure; her shoulders were hunched over as if she wished to be invisible. Her footsteps were light and timid. She sat next to me on the park bench, her eyes trained keenly on the book in her hand, which was (F/B). It was odd for me to make a connection so fast, to give my trust so easily, tentative though it was. We had exchanged a brief glance so I had smiled at her, in an effort to lighten the burden she carried. Then something amazing happened, her eyes lightened and she smiled back. There was something about the way she smiled, a warmth, a genuineness, a softness of spirit that I just couldn't pass up. 

But, I know that when she looks in the mirror shes see brokenness, frustration, weakness and the list goes on and on. But, I love her. I love everything about her, from her personality to her beautiful curves. With the muscle of a footballer and the blessed fat of a baby, she is the most astonishing girl I ever met... easy to talk to and fun to be around. She has a beauty that makes those billboard-princesses look as paper-thin as they are, she is something robust and real. Her eyes slowly open, her eyelashes faintly batting against her lids when she blinks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks, her tired eyes looking into my own.

I smile slightly. "Because you are the most beautiful thing I know."

"I'm not beautiful," She murmurs, turning her head away, a bright blush covering her cheeks.

"Oh come on, we've been through this before sweetheart. You-you think you're less than everyone else because you weigh a bit more than other girls. You think that because you have flaws that you're some type of mistake. You think that you are worthless and that's not true! You mean so much to me that watching you hurt yourself with your thoughts is painful to watch. I love you more than anything, nothing and nobody will change that." I reply, rolling my eyes.

She always tells me her brain runs at a million thoughts per second...a hot fucking mess, she calls it...the ability to think herself into a catastrophe. But, if it were up to me, I'd marry her right now. We'd go out and buy that piece of land that she wants, build a cute little house. Cuddle by the fireplace and eat breakfast together the next morning. Go to work and rush to get home just so we can see each other. Eventually have babies, and fight over who's parents we're naming them after. Buy our first dog. Celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Get in those bad fights, but make up after a day or so. Continue to surprise each other, watch the sunset from our front porch every now and then. Watch our babies graduate and start their lives. Retire. Meet our grandbabies. Hold each other every night and never forget the love that started this all. If it were up to me, I'd start that adventure with her right now.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I ask.

"I'm just scared that one day you'll get tired of me or you'll want things I can't give and just me won't be good enough. I'm scared you'll get bored and want a new girl. A different girl. A girl who isn't me, and I won't be able to convince you I'm what you still want. It's nothing you've done to make me feel this way, It's just that..." she pauses, hesitantly mumbling her next words, "You deserve better than me,".

"No, no, no stop it! You are the most honest, the most beautiful and purest woman in the world. Just because you don't look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn't mean you aren't attractive. Flowers are pretty but so are Christmas lights and they look nothing alike darlin'." I remind her, gently running my fingers through her hair once more.

She means so much to me. She's the last thing I want to lose. She's the only girl I want to wake up and fall asleep next too. She makes me feel so happy and cared for. I wish I could explain how wonderful she is. I can look into her eyes and never get tired of her beauty. The sound of her voice gives me butterflies. Seeing her walk into a room never fails to make me smile. If I found the words to tell her these things, it won't come anywhere near to showing how much she means to me. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have....." She begins to speak.

"You'll always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge." I reassure her.

(Y/N) Pov

The feeling of being curled up in his arms with our fingers intertwined and the soft feeling of his breath on my neck can never be put into words. I can, however, say it is where I belong and it is in his arms that I feel at home.

That serious look is still in his trademark warm eyes, "So long as you're by my side, sweet angel, the rest of the world can go fuck themselves. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for all of them." 

That's just what I needed to hear, that he's mine for now and for the future. He wraps his arms around me and once more I let my head rest upon his chest. He squeezes me as if he needs to check if I'm still with him, really there. He runs his hands up my arms, not slow but fast, his soft lips soon following. Never in a million years did I think I'd find someone so utterly and completely perfect, someone who would make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone that would be a whole new reason to breathe. But then I found Jason and realised that everything I anticipated him to be doesn't even compare to who he really is.

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