Task Four: Please, I Know You're In There

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SO I hope you enjoyed that clue. EHHEHEHE. I loved watching it torment all of you, not even going to lie. To be fair though, most of you actually came up with pretty intense ideas when you looked at the song metaphorically.

Honestly? I was telling those that were sort of right that they were terribly wrong and telling those that were not right at all that they were close to being right... so yes, twas a very humorous time for me.

From this, learn your lesson - Never trust a Gamemaker ;)


If you were in the arena, this would be your third day.

This is the lingering fact you can't help thinking. You lie in the stretcher, no longer in the hovercraft, but now in a metallic and simplistic room. You are fully stabilized from any physical injuries that occurred in the arena breakout but your head is still trying to make sense of it all.

Despite knowing that you're safe and away from harm, you can't help but think of the fallen. The tributes who never recovered from their injuries. The ones that never woke up. 

Navin Aadita of District Three, and Sky White from an outlining Hybrid District - Fourteen. It is said around the other tributes that the Hybrids received the most damage. Being Hybrids and all, they were last on the list of people to save. Rudy has said that it was easier, in fact, to get them out as the Oppidium had simply left them behind. There is only one surviving Hybrid tribute left among you. Not that there's anyone left home for them to care.

Rudy comes knocking on your door on this third day of nightmares. After you dress and eat, he takes you across the Rebellions hideout - an underground bunker in a place unknown to you - and brings you to a large shadowy room, one only lit up by blazing lights from control panels and holograms. At the centre table, all the other tributes are gathered. And there is another two people there, other than the busily rushing people in the background. 

The man has a stone face with solid features and dull eyes. His bright hair is a solid shade of teal and it also matches with his beard. And then you realize that you know this man.

"Welcome Tributes, I understand these conditions are a lot more different than from the moment we first met, hmm?" Verde Arminius says. A young woman from beside him smiles weakly and it catches your attention. Her coloured hair is down to her shoulders and her face is pure and tired. This is Clodia Metella - almost completely unrecognizable without her usual vigorous appearance. Verde nods to his companion and she then begins to tap at the glowing table before her. Suddenly Verde's expression becomes dark.

"There's a lot left I have to tell you, I know..." He begins, his eyes filled with a strange worry. He breathes in once and brushes his beard. "But right now there's something you need to see..."

R  E  B  E  L  L  I  O  N     C  A  P  T  U  R  E  D



D2 Female - SUNNY AZALEA [7]





D15 Female - PLUMPKIN PYE [1]


Yet elsewhere...

"I don't know about this..." Rufius questions as he looks down at the ten screens before him. Each of them display small dark rooms and a stretcher is in each of them. In the stretchers, there are ten people, tied down by electric belts.

Anastassia and Rufius stand in the Gamemakers room once again, a place practically turned upside down since the games met a premature end. Mechanics, geniuses and war strategists rush about in their  respective duties.

"I mean, we've already lost Edgar Moore and Autumn Leaves, Hijacking is a seriously dangerous feature, as I'm sure you know!" He splutters, a little confused at how reckless Anastassia appears to be.

The Head Gamemaker glares at her young protégé. He's no Verde, that's for sure, and this fact somehow tires her, despite the older mans treachery. She purses her lips and puts her gaze back onto the screens. "Rule number one of not being an idiot." She snaps calmly, as though a knife so sharp, you barely know that its cut you until you see the blood. "There is no line." She spits and slams her finger onto a large button.

And doors leading into the ten rooms, open.

O  P  P  I  D  I  U  M     C  A  P  T  U  R  E  D







D12 Female - NEVE OPHANIM [3]



Task: Well well well well. most of you knew it was coming. Hijacked. The rebels are let into individual rooms that are all bland, metallic and identical. Whats different about them is the subject inside. Behind each room lies a relative/loved one of each of the tributes. At first, you are happy to see them... but in seconds, you realize they are not the same. They have been Hijacked by the Oppidium - Their memories have been completely altered to detest everything about you. Now for the Oppidium tributes the task is almost exactly the same... but reversed. In THIS scenario, YOU are the Hijacked subjects, and when the door to your cell opens, a relative/loved one steps inside.

Only deaths shall be in ballot form this time around. Like last round, you have three ballots. Choose wisely. RANKED TRIBUTES get four ballots. 

DEADLINE: Sunday, 30th November, 9pm GMT!

WORD LIMIT: No Word Limit

*SEND YOUR FINISHED TASK TO ME AT jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com!*

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