Task One: To Make An Impression - ⚛ Spring Entries ⚛

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District 1 Male - HEATH HAWTHORN [5]

The patio outside the Justice Building is aflutter with movement, it's almost too much for me to pay attention to anything. Mom and Dad are nearly out of sight, but I can always keep track of them without having to try to hard. Earlier tonight, they told Erica and I that we're finally old enough to be responsible for ourselves tonight. I guess once you're in danger of having to fight to the death, a party isn't all that scary. Erica sits stone-still next to me, obviously terrified of the Reaping tomorrow. 

"Don't worry," I whisper to my sister, my voice hardly audible over the sounds of the party. People loudly chattering, a band playing in the background, it must be easy for anyone outside of Reaping age to forget about the Games. "We're only twelve, there's no way we'll be Reaped."

"I know," she replies. She moves now, crossing one leg over the other. "I just have a bad feeling about tomorrow. And, you know, I've never liked the party anyway."

I sigh frustratedly. There's next-to-no chance of either of us being Reaped, so there's no point in worrying about it. And even if we're both going to get Reaped tomorrow, I'd rather spend tonight having fun. If I get Reaped, I'll have plenty of time to worry about the Games. "Well I'm going to find Lavender, she said that all the kids of Reaping age are having a bonfire near the edge of the District."

"Have fun," Erica calls as I stand up to find Lavender. "You know where to find me when it's over."

I scowl slightly as I walk away from Erica; I had been hoping she would come with me when I left. Erica, much unlike me, had never minded being alone. She might actually enjoy being in the Games for a little while, if it means that she gets to be totally alone for a little while. Leaning over, I pick up a heath flower to give to Lavender. Good luck in District One, I'd probably bring a wildflower if I get Reaped into the Games. As long as it doesn't die, it would make an excellent token. 

"There you are!" Lavender yells, breaking through a large crowd. Although my parents are easy to keep track of, I could never keep track of my friends. Even Lavender is easy to lose despite the bright color of her hair. "I've been looking all over for you, the bonfires starting!"

"Let me go grab Erica first," I say, breaking free of Lavender's grasp. She likes to hold hands. I don't understand it. "She said she wanted to do the bonfire if she could."

"You have the rest of your life with her," Lavender sighs, rolling her eyes. "Spend just this one bonfire with me."

She's right. I will have lots of time with Erica. So, I run after Lavender, leaving Erica all alone amongst the adults. 


District 1 Female -  EMERALD-BLOSSOM VALENTINE [2] 

Emerald-Blossom shouldn't have been shipped off like this.  It wasn't right.  

And what's more, with Emerald Blossom gone that left three members of our family instead of four.    Two boys.  But only one girl.

It wasn't right. It was uneven.   We had to be even but Emerald-Blossom was gone and that left us uneven.  

My breaths start to increase at the thought and come faster and faster, but Hyacinth pats me on the shoulder.  His pats are even.  Two pats, pause.  Two pats, pause.

The sick feeling in my head and stomach fades away at the even rhythm.  One pat, two pats.  One pats, two pats.  

"Look," Hyacinth says.  "Emerald-Blossom is on the television.  We're still even, Dahls."

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