Welcome To Aurōrae

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Aurōrae is a wild and ravenous world. Dynamic biomes dominate the landscape, and the oppressing government split their people into four different States, and under them, Districts.

Each State is recognized by its ferocious characteristics. Whether this be colours of red, orange and bronze, constant shine, unforgiving snow or simply luscious fields of greenery - each of them is united by the Oppidium. A great city bathed in the riches that each District has to offer, sheltered from any evils or wrong doings that the world has to give them. 

Author Games has visited this place before, but a lot has changed since then. Hybrids roam the boarders and mentions of another uprising begin to stir in the boiling pot of hate and vengeance.

As the politicians see it, theres only one way to settle this. The Hunger Games must be brought back. They must return to the bloodshed. 

And we must Return To Seasons.


In January 2013, the Author_Games account brought you Author Games: Seasons. Or sometimes known as the "One That Went A Bit Wrong." Now I will honestly, own up and say that this is about 70% my fault.... okay, 85%. If it wasn't for the infamous RobotsWillCry [Alithia Warwell], they might have plundered into the Graveyard of games past. NEVERTHELESS, coming back into the swing of things, I've still felt a little wounded, or detached from the games themselves. These were the games that went wrong for me and I want to fix that. I understand that doing these, well, Its a risky business, and hey, they won't be easy to do. But the way I've always seen it - Games should never be easy to host. Where would be the fun in that? ;)

The tasks themselves will hold a typical Hunger Games/Author Games structure. Districts, sub districts, tributes, mutts, cannons and oh, bringing back that good old Christmas Tree Cornucopia. And new to my recent games, I'll be SCORING each entry! Deaths will affect these scores and such, as seen in other games around Wattpad - notably RappyTheDinosaur's. Also, there shall be THIRTY tributes in these games. 

*Vote in the finals of the Author Games: Underworld on Halloween exactly, in order to obtain the code to enter these games*

But until then...!


Reservations For Characters will Open On The 8th November

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