❄ District 12 Male - CUTEPID FOLANT [6]

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NAME: Cutepid Folant

AGE: Sixteen


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Cutepid has bright blonde locks; they're styled in a messy way, but they look super neat upon his head. His eyes are a hazel-green colour and they aren't a very light shade. His eyebrows don't match his hair in the slightest; they're dark, but beautiful. Freckles loiter around his long face, giving him a cuter kind of look. Because of how rich he is, the boy has begun to decorate himself with piercings; his ears and lip are the only pierced parts of his body right now. 

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Cutepid may be named sweetly and may look like a pretty boy, but he can be a real idiot sometimes. Thanks to his upbringing, the boy is a spoilt brat who wants his way and will go all the way to reach his goal. That being said, if he likes you, he will be more loyal than any pet could ever be. He's creative and intelligent, like the majority of his district, and he knows how to charm a person well. He's also super flirty, as to be expected.

HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Bow and arrows; he also knows how to work poison well.

LIFESTYLE: Cutepid was born into a rich family as an only child; he was given everything he ever wanted and he still is up to this day. The boy "accidentally" got hold of one of the potions that they brew in the factories - he got it easily because his dad is the co-owner of one - and slipped it into a boy's drink. The boy then wouldn't leave Cutepid alone; Cutepid became the biggest male-magnet of District Twelve after that. The games are going to be his downfall; he won't be able to attract any men whilst fighting for his life.

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