❦ District 8 Female - SAGE S. PICE

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NAME: Sage S. Pice

AGE: 12


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Sage is not the ideal image for what normal girls are. She has autumn red hair that is always in a bun. When she lets it fall down it curls to just above her bellybutton. Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving so she is pretty chubby, but not "fat". Her eyes are a dark hazel color and her skin is as white as marshmallows. She has freckles just under her eyes and on top of her nose alomst like sprinlkes on a cookie. Her nose is like a button on a doll and her lips are a light shade of pink. Since she grew up in the textiles district she was very interested in clothing. She loves designing, so she is always wearing some type of extravagant design that she has made. Her hands have a lot of cuts from sewing and fitting the clothing she's made.

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: She is super tough and doesn't like when people insult her. Sage can also be the sweetest girl you've ever met. Everyone knows that she has a lot of different personalities! Spunky and determined to fight for what she thinks is right. She loves everything about herself and with that comes self esteem. But, it can be brought down very easily. She always had a fear for that games would return, so she knows she's screwed.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: She's never seen a weapon besides the ones the peacekeepers have. She would much rather have wanted to sew them something then let the be on their way... But if she had to have something it would probably be a weapon that's small. Probably daggers.

LIFESTYLE: Her family was always high up in the ranks of textiles. She always looked up to her sister, Autumn, for advice in making clothes. Her parents were like any normal parents. They loved her. She grew up learning how to make clothing and now she's on the family business! Or was.

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