The States Of Aurōrae: WINTER

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ϟ THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM YOUR GOVERNMENT: Winter. The most harsh and most unforgiving Season of them all. This State much accompanies that when its inhabitants keep cold expressions and beautiful exteriors. The intelligence valued so high in the Winter Districts is much needed by the Oppidium. And so, unlike Winter, we shall keep you safe, warm in return for your elegance ϟ


FOR THE WINTER DISTRICTS: As said mainly above, sharp and classically beautiful people inhabit the Winter State. They are often noted to be smart, elegant, perceptive and or emotionally detached. Despite holding the richest Districts, the State is typically hit hardest when the winter comes around. So many of Winter's people are used to burying their own. It is mainly said, in fact, that the Winter State inhabits two types of people. Those whose personalities relate to Ice and those that relate to snow.

- ❄ - District Ten - ❄ - 

Industry: Luxury Items

Mayor: Santer Klaus

District Ten supplies and creates every luxury item, toy and gadget you see on the streets in the Oppidium. Those from this District tend to be a lot more playful than their State-counterparts. The richest District out there, Ten remains strong through the coldest of times. It is well known that they have a constantly burning fire in the centre of this District, a blazing bonfire created by District Nine citizens almost two centuries ago, and it hasn't gone out since then. The blazing fire offers warmth, hope and inspiration to the people of this District. Yet like any spark, it is contained.

- ❄ - District Eleven - ❄ - 

Industry: Peacekeepers and Weaponry

Mayors: Rudolphaus Frost

Much like Ten, District Eleven's content is made up of large factories and workshops nestled in the snowy depths. Yet these factories do not create toys or gadgets, they create weapons and warriors, supplying the nation with the defences they need. Military aggression and intelligence is most valued in this District. From an incredibly young age, the children of Eleven are introduced to war, battle and competition. Although considered illegal, Tributes from this District are often more than prepared to face whatever may meet them in the Hunger Games. This is through the premature military training. However, as one of the Oppidium's favoured Districts, investigations are never ignited. 

- ❄ - District Twelve - ❄ - 

Industry: Medicine

Mayor: Doctorie Loveheart

A most valuable District indeed. The Winter State offers a great opportunity to test out common colds and flues. However it isn't this Districts groundbreaking research into illnesses and diseases that makes them known, no, it is their famous line of Lustrous potions and beauty products. Twelve display great creativity and intelligence in connecting ones emotions, star signs and biological chemicals. In the past years they have created remedies and concoctions, only legally available to Citizens of the Oppidium, that stir up the love in another's life and even change their exterior appearance. This being said, District Twelve are nationally known for naturally being the most beautiful humans in all of Aurōrae. 

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