⚛ District 2 Female - SUNNY AZALEA [7]

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NAME: Sunny Azalea

AGE: 17

THE REAPING: Volunteered

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: By her physical appearance, Sunny will never truly stand out. Sunny’s wavy brown hair is messy and often tied back into a ponytail since it gets in the way, she has brown eyes that seem to stare into your soul when you refuse to listen to her and has freckles all over her face. Her clothes are usually dirty seeing as she works with animals almost daily, but that is to be expected in the livestock District.

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Hating the way animals are being treated in her home District and hating the amount of meat the country consumes even more, Sunny stands quite alone in her believes. Even her family thinks she is going too far in her battle for animal rights. That’s why Sunny has grown a thick skin and won’t ever back down. When she has something to say, she will say it no matter what. It is hard for her to contain her temper and she’s usually already snapping nasty/sassy remarks before anybody really knows what hit them. Because of her disappointment in the human race, she spends most of her time when she is not protesting or handing out flyers with her animals. Especially her horse, which she had affectionately called Peony when they were both little. Now, roughly a decade later, neither of them is small anymore and they have become true best friends. It is not an unusual sight to see Sunny and Peony galloping over the town square whilst screaming about how unfair it is to overfeed chickens to make them fat, and nobody pays attention to it anymore. Much to the annoyance of Sunny, of course.

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEAPON OF CHOICE:  whip. Though she would never use it against an animal, as many horseback riders and cattle owners do, she is rather skilled with tying nuts in ropes and her life on farms has given her quite a lot of muscles. She also sees the irony of taking the weapon that people use against animals and using it on people instead. Needless to say, she’s a tad bit nuts.

LIFESTYLE: Sunny doesn’t agree. Being a duty sworn Animal Activist and true vegetarian, she does not agree with the way the District is run. Yeah, pets are treated right. But how about the cage farming industry? New barns are opened every day and every day more and more animals are being mistreated. Sunny does not agree. That is why she dropped out of school, they were only educating her to become like them anyway, and focused completely on giving the animals the life they deserve. Together with her two older sisters she owns a farm where all the animals are allowed to go wherever they want whenever they want. They only sell the produce, not the meat, since all three of them are vegetarians. Only Sunny, however, is an actual Activist and she can often be found parading the streets with homemade signs that say things like “Stop eating meat! Meat is wrong!” or “Animals have feelings too!”. Since nobody shares her believes, Sunny is seen as a bit of a crazy woman.

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