⚛ District 3 Female - TANSY ORINTHA

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NAME: Tansy Orintha

AGE: 12

THE REAPING: Volunteered

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tansy is small. That's the easiest way to describe her. Just small. She's short and petite with a tiny button nose and tiny little freckles covering her tiny, heart-shaped face. Her eyes, on the other hand, are huge and green with flecks of gold that sometimes flash when she blinks. Her skin is lightly tanned, but her countless freckles make it seem darker. Tansy's mousy-brown hair used to hang in waves down to her mid back, but one day a few week ago she go bored and hacked it off close to her ears. It now hangs unevenly around her face, the natural unruliness of it disguising just how unsteady the cut was. Her face is constantly illuminated by a wide smile, which is made cuter by the single front tooth she's missing (She put it under the tooth-tree and got a whole cranberry-muffin for it!)

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Tansy is, in the simplest of terms, odd. She lacks what many people call a filter, and as a result will speak whatever strange thing comes to her mind-- often loudly. She is inquisitive and friendly, although she doesn't actually have many friends. Most people are put off by the fact that she always introduces herself to someone new by saying: "Hi, I'm Tansy, if you eat me you'll fart less!" She doesn't understand why. After all, it's an interesting fact that quite impressed her when she learned about the little yellow flower she's named after. As she's only twelve years old, she doesn't really understand how the Hunger Games work. Tansy volunteered because this experience would provide her with an opportunity to meet many new people from many different districts and also inform the entire nation on live TV that tansies reduce flatulence.

HEIGHT: 4'3"

WEAPON OF CHOICE: A good, sharp stick should work. Not that she'll be using it much.

LIFESTYLE: Tansy is the youngest of seven children. All six of her older siblings, ranging in age from twenty to fourteen, are brothers. Her mother died shortly after Tansy was born, and so she was raised only by her father. As a result, trying to get Tansy into a dress is a struggle that few have succeeded in. Her family, though large, has never had a problem with money because her father has a very prominent job in the district. It's his job to inspect trees that are to be cut down and make sure they're old enough and happy about it. If for some reason the tree is unhappy, it is Mr. Orintha's job to tell the people who want to cut the tree down what is needed to make the tree happy enough to be used for lumber. Tansy is quite good at this as well, and she's also learned to apply it to people, gauging from just one look how happy or unhappy they are.

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