❦ District 9 Female - AUTUMN LEAVES

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NAME: Autumn Leaves

AGE: Sixteen


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Autumn is beautiful, her hair is like the Autumn leaves, a beautiful brown. Her skin is a hot chocolate color, and is flawless. Autumn's eyes are very stunning, they are a golden yellow, like most of the leaves you see in Autumn. Also unlike most of the girls you see in Autumn that wear short dresses and boots, Autumn likes to wear jeans and shirts that are lose, but not to lose she likes them tight.

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Autumn is peaceful, she is absolutely does not want to hurt a fly, but when it comes to making weapons she's all about how well the weapon works and how much it can hurt someone. And as you may know, Autumn (The State) loves to burn the Aether Forest, Autumn (The Girl) does enjoy it, but there's points in her life where she does not like it at all. Weird right? She always thought that people lived there, for every fire they had there the next day or two it would look like there was no farther.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: A gun (unavailable at cornucopia) A sword

LIFESTYLE: Well considering Autumn's dad is the owner of one of the most famous gun shops is Autumn, she lives the life. She has a boyfriend, she lives in a huge house with two brothers and three sisters. She's acing school like it is nothing and she has a cat that she loves so much. But her life changed when she got reaped for the games...

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