I'm Already Taken

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The sequel has been posted! also go check out my other 1D fanfic called My Princess Song...

Lissy POV

“Maggie! Lissy! Are you two ready yet?” Zayn called impatiently from downstairs.

            “Trust me; it’ll be worth the wait!” I yelled back. I rolled my eyes to Maggie and stuck out my tongue at the door.

            “Careful where you point that thing!” he yelled back and I laughed.

            “I could say the same to you!” I called back making Maggie laugh. I sighed and went back to curling her hair. I stood back to view my work and smiled successfully.

            “Gorgeous,” Maggie admired. I didn’t know whether she was talking about me or the work I had done on her hair but either way I took it as a compliment. We made our way out of the bathroom and down to the awaiting boys. I was so nervous about walking on the red carpet, which was weird because I was always confident. Always.

            “You both look stunning” Zayn comment broke me out of my train of thought. I guess you could say he derailed it. No, really, ok then?

            “Thanks,” Maggie smiled back at him then went right back to dry-humping Louis. I looked at Zayn to see his eyes twinkling at me. Whenever he was happy or excited or had a secret, his eyes twinkled. I smiled shortly and tried to keep myself from blushing at the way he looked at me.

            “So do you,” I said in general but looked directly at him.

            “Hey guys, oh hey girls too.” Harry’s newest eye-candy walked in the house. “Don’t we look all fancy?” she laughed and walked over to Maggie.

            “Hey Penelope,” Maggie greeted her with a big hug. I went back to making faces at Zayn who was red from trying to hold in his laughter.

            “Hey Maggie, you look great!” she blubbered. I smiled and took credit for that compliment. Of course Maggie was naturally gorgeous but I added to that to make her stunning. Maggie had always been the secret crush of any guy she met, but she never knew about them. Even when I first met her she was a beautiful girl, I don’t know some people just have natural beauty. I was not one of those people. Being blonde and blue-eyed had always made me seem like I was pretty but I never felt beautiful. “You look amazing too Lissy!” Penelope giggled and walked over to me. I gave her a short hug and forced a fake smile. I liked the girl, I really did, but sometimes she seemed too energetic.

            “Shall we get going?” Zayn asked in a corny American accent.

            “What about your date?” Maggie asked. I looked around and noticed Zayn’s friend Valerie wasn’t with us. Oh well…

            “Um, she’s not coming,” Zayn looked at me quickly then away again. I looked down and smiled shyly. I wondered if he hadn’t invited her, well I secretly hoped he didn’t but it seemed bad to just be thinking that.

            “Sorry mate,” Liam patted him on the back then took my arm. He hadn’t even spoken to me so far or told me how I looked. The limo ride over to the theater was awkward to say the least. Maggie and Louis were practically having sex in the back and what Louis’s thought was whispering, was speaking at a medium volume. So everyone heard what he said to her and honestly those things could not be unheard! I made eye contact with Zayn every few seconds when Louis said something new. Not in the dirty way just in the way that we knew we would have to tease them later for this.

I'm Already Torn ( A One Direction Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now